Chapter Five

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When I woke up, the light was peering through my window. I looked and saw that it was almost noon. I turned over and saw Eren sleeping quietly. He was so beautiful when he slept. So peaceful. I checked my phone to see texts from Papa and Mikasa. 

Papa has just said to text him if I need anything. Mikasa said the same and to tell Eren to call her soon. I haven't talked to her since the attack. 

I nudged Eren. 

"Hey, Eren." He woke up and looked at me with his beautiful emerald eyes. 

"Hey, blondie." I hated when he called me that. I hit him lightly. 

"You know I don't like that." 

"I know. How are you feeling?"

I waited to see how my body was. Slight aches. 

"Just some slight aches right now. I am a little bit dizzy. I also smell horrible. I need a shower." 

Eren looked me up and down, examining my bandage. 

"Yeah, let's eat and I'll help you." 

"Only if I need help, ok?"


I hadn't realized how much those bullies beat me till now. I can barely function. I wonder what happened to them. I turned over and sat up slowly, trying to not make the dizziness worse. Eren came around the side to help me up. He stood in front of me and stuck his arms out. I grabbed his forearms and pulled myself up slowly. 

"Eh. I didn't get to dizzy this time," I said excitedly, "I am starving though, so I think that would help." 

Eren let me go but kept his hand hovering over my lower back as I walked slowly to the door. I managed to go down the stairs just fine and sat at the little bar in the kitchen. Papa came downstairs. 

"How are you feeling, buckaroo? You gave us a scare last night."

"I am feeling alright. Slightly dizzy, but I made it here with zero issues." 


I looked and saw Eren making pancakes and bacon. My favorite. It's almost like we're married or something. 

We sat and ate together, forgetting about the last three days. It felt normal. The rest of the day consisted of movies and snacks. 


"Hey, Eren?"


"I need to shower and I uh would like it if you sat in there in case I need help." I was blushing so hard. 

"Sure thing, but can I call Mikasa first? She's worried sick."

"Sure, and tell her she can come over." 

Eren left to call her. And not even five minutes later, there was a knock on the door. So, I got up to get it, forgetting about the state I was in. I started to get dizzy, but Eren sat me down and got the door. Mikasa busted in and hugged me. 

"Ow, Mika-."

"Mikasa! Don't hurt him!" Eren yelled as he pulled her off. 

"Oh my god, I am so sorry. I forgot you were so fragile. I've been worried sick and I didn't know if I could come over." 

"It's ok, Mikasa. I missed you too and I am glad you're here. Stay the night if Carla will let you." 

"I'll call her. Eren mentioned that you needed help with something so I'll let you get to it." She turned away and dialed her adoptive mother. 

"Help me upstairs, doofus." 

Eren turned around. 

"Hey, you're feeling wayyyyy better than I expected, dork." 

He put his hand around me and helped me up. 

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