Chapter Eight

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Warning: S3 spoilers

The next day was our first day back to school. I hadn't been in almost two weeks now. I missed my friends and my studies. Eren and Mikasa went home yesterday to pack for school. I was given a medical absence, Eren and Mika had a family emergency absence, which excused us from missing so much. 

I turned and saw the clock read at 7 am. I needed to get ready for the day. Since I was still banged up, I couldn't wear such revealing clothes. I shoveled through my closet and found some black jeans and red Converse. I quickly put them on and went to do the upper half. 

My torso was almost fully healed and I'd get my stitches out tomorrow. That bruise on my hip was still pretty dark. I ran my hand over it and remembered how Eren did the same. God, I miss his touch. I changed my bandage and brushed my hair. I decided a messy bun would do. I looked around for a shirt that wasn't a short sleeve. I saw on my desk chair, Eren's hoodie. He forgot it.

I grabbed the hoodie and put it on. It smelled like him and was slightly too big. I loved it. I cuffed my jeans and grabbed my bag. 

Papa had made me breakfast and offered to take me to school. I politely declined since Mika and Eren were coming. I heard a knock and rushed to the door. It was Eren. I was eye level with his chest. Had he grown? I don't know, but I liked this height difference. Eren pointed at my face.

"Glasses, dork." 

Oh my god. I forgot I had glasses. That's why he grew. I couldn't perceive height. I hopped in the car and headed off. Deep down, I was nervous to be back. What if the bullied are there? Did they get arrested? Eren must've seen my thinking face. 

"Armin, don't worry. They won't be there and one of us will be with you at all times," he said as he pointed at Mikasa. 

"I know. It's just... I don't want to be seen as the baby again." 

"Don't worry. You are the strongest person I know and that's all that matters." 

He was right of course. 

We pulled up to school and saw our friends waiting. Jean, Marco, Connie, Sasha, Ymir, and Historia. I missed them so much. I got out of the car and was bombarded with hugs. I really am loved. 

"Aye, aye! Guys, be careful, he's still fragile," Eren yelled. 

They all pulled away and said their apologies. These are my people. And no sign of the bullies. 

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