Chapter Four

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I woke up in complete darkness and it frightened me a little. I looked around trying to adjust my eyes. I looked at my clock that read 8:36. It must be evening since the sun had risen around the same time in the morning. I tried to find my phone but couldn't feel it. I turned on my lamp and saw Eren asleep on the floor. Why was he on the floor? I have a queen bed and it's not like we haven't shared a bed before. My phone had fallen next to him. 


He turned over and let out a breath. 


He awoke with a start. 

"Huh? What? Are you okay? What happened?" He was all over the place. 

"Eren, I'm fine," I giggled, "I was trying to see if you could hand me my phone." 

Eren looked down and handed it to me.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome. How are you feeling by the way?" 

I started to pay attention to my body and realized there was pain all over. I started to tear up. Eren looked at me worried. 

"Oh, Ar, what's wrong? Are you in pain?" He got up to sit next to me, "Want some meds? The doctor sent us home with some." 

I nodded and went to turn to hang my legs over the bed. I yelled in pain which caused me to cry more.

"Armin, don't go so fast. I'll bring it to you."

Why am I in so much pain right now? I was fine when we came home. I heard Eren's footsteps down the stairs and into the kitchen. I heard Eren say something to Papa. They both came quickly up the stairs. 

"Armin, are you ok?" Papa asked, worried. 

"I-I don't know Pa-Papa. I-it's so bad. I-I can barely br-breath," I said as I tried to catch my breath. This pain worse than yesterday. It has to be my body healing or I slept wrong. Eren put the pill in my mouth and forced me to drink. I just wanted the pain to end. I closed my eyes hoping to fall into a slumber, but I couldn't. Eren was worried and wanted to help, but there was nothing he could do. Papa was getting scared and kept talking to Eren but I couldn't hear what they were saying. Eren turned to me.

"Armin, we're going to the ER. I need to put your shoes on, ok?" 

I heard what he said, but it didn't process. The pain was indescribable. I started to scream and cry. It made the pain lessen. All I could feel was myself shaking and the tears rolling down my face. Eren looked so scared as he put my shoes on. Papa ran out of the door. 

"Armin, please stop screaming, you're scaring Papa and I. He went to start the car." 

Papa came back in and started to lift me from the bed. Eren was behind him trying to put his shoes on. The pain was lessening so I stopped screaming. Eren looked mortified as I watched him walk out the door, on the phone with someone. I think it's Mikasa. 

Eren sat in the back with me. I put my head on his lap and groaned as the pain faded. I didn't understand why we were going to the ER. It was just pain. I looked up at Eren. 

"Where are we going?" 

"The ER. Remember?"

"But why? I was just in pain." 

"Armin, you busted stitches in your side and started to bleed through the bandage which caused you to lose it." 

I don't remember that. I bet my ribs weren't healed completely. 

We arrived at the hospital and the nurses took me back to stitch me up. They sent me back home with drug pain meds and lots of bandages. The last thing I remember was falling asleep next to Eren in my bed. 

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