Chapter Ten

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As we drove home, I couldn't shake the fact that Eren said we are a thing. He sat in the back of the car with me, still holding my hand. I looked at him. He was so beautiful. The way his hair fell across his face and his eyes, those were his best feature. They were emerald green, like the trees in the forest that we used to run around when we were kids.

We pulled up to my house and saw a police car. I immediately was scared that something had happened to Papa. Eren tightened his grip on my hand. I opened the door, letting go of Eren's hand. Eren came around the side to help me. I didn't need any, but it was ok.

"Hey, I think they're here to question us about what happened."

"Me too," I responded. My heart rate started to quicken again.

We walked up to the door and opened it. Mikasa was soon to follow us. There was an officer sitting on our couch talking to Papa. He looked up, with a smile.

"Hey, bud, they're here to tell us about what they are doing to those idiots. They just have a few questions for all three of you."

I nodded and sat down. I wasn't sure I was ready to talk about it yet, but I have to at some point.

"Armin, I just have a few questions. What provoked the attack? Do you know?" The officer looked up. He had black hair and a middle part. His tag read 'Captain Ackerman'. I took a breath.

"I don't really know. I was walking to get a book from the cafeteria and they came at me from behind."

Captain Ackerman wrote down what I was saying.

"Did they have a motive?"

I knew their motive, but this isn't how I wanted to come out to Papa.

"Well... I dress very feminine and they don't like that... I think."

I looked over to Eren. He was rocking a little and seemed nervous. Captain Ackerman looked up.

"Thank you. This is all I need. The boys were taken to jail and are being charged with assault."

I was happy that they were getting what they deserved, but I was more worried about Papa. Did he figure out I'm gay?

Captain Ackerman asked Mikasa and Eren questions as well. Papa looked concerned. He got up to go let out Captain Ackerman. He shut the door and asked me, "Is there something I should know?"

Shit. He saw straight through it. I rubbed my neck and looked down. Mikasa started for the door.

"Wait Mika, there is something I should tell you guys."

Of course, Eren knew, but I never really came out to him. He came and put his hand on my shoulder.

"Papa, I'm gay."

I was scared of his response.

"Oh, Armin, I've known for a while, but I wanted you to come out when you were ready. I'm assuming you two are together?"

I looked to Eren and looked back at Papa.


"Armin, I still love you no matter what. You are my grandson. I will be happy as long as you're happy"

"I love you, Papa. Thank you for understanding."

Eren squeezed my shoulder and mouth 'I love you.'

Today was a huge stress lifted off my shoulders. 

Promise. {Eremin Fanfic}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora