Chapter Three

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This chapter is long. 

When we arrived home, Eren was quick to help me out of the car. 

"Eren, I can walk to the house by myself. It's ok," I gave him a smile. 

He watched me like a hawk as I walked up to the door. Eren helped Papa unload the car and settle back down. It was nice to smell the scent of home again; I had missed this even though it was only three days. 

Eren and Papa came in to put down some groceries and overnight bags. I went to pick up some, but Eren scowled at me. 

"Do not pick those up. You might pass out from lifting anything too heavy." 

I obeyed and sat down on the couch, feeling horrible that I couldn't help. I was always the helper in any situation, and to be the one blown off felt so odd. I watched them finish up, watching Eren especially. He had such toned muscles. It was actually kind of... hot watching him. 

"Wanna watch a movie or do you want to go to bed?" Eren asked. I didn't know what to answer. If I said movie, I could cuddle with him, but if I said bed, it may be a little weird. Either way, it would be nice. 


"Oh, sorry," I laughed, "I think that a movie would be nice, but I don't if I can stay up long enough to watch it." 

"Let's watch a movie upstairs, in your room." 

I nodded and stood up, but a little too fast. The room started spinning and I felt the sensation of passing out. I quickly fell forward trying to grab onto something. Luckily, Eren caught me. 

"Woah there, Armin. Are you okay?" Eren was worried and I could see the fear in his eyes. 

"Yeah. I got up roo fast. Sorry to scare you." 

My hands were on his chest. His pecks were so nice to touch and I slid my hand down to feel his abs. They were so defined and.. oh my god. Why is he picking me up? 

"I'm gonna just carry you upstairs. No offense, but it's not like you weigh a lot." Oh, none was taken. Please carry me like this. 

"I'm all good. This is fine with me," I said as I put my arms around his neck. 

Eren then laid me down in my and I started to get comfy. I winced in pain as I forgot about the bruise on my hip and accidentally hit it as I pulled the sheet up. Eren spun around worriedly. 

"Are you okay?" 

"Yeah, I just brushed a bruise and it hurt a bit." 

"Ah ok." 

I hated how much he worried about me. After all, I am a seventeen-year-old boy who can care for himself. I wanted to ask him why he was so protective of me. He has been this way since we were five. I always wondered why. 



"Why do you worry about me so much? Like, why are you so protective?" I watched his expressions change. I hope I didn't cross the line too much. 

"Well, Armin, you are like my brother. Since we met when you were getting the absolute shit beaten out of you, I kinda figured that I should be your protector. I just don't want to lose you either. You are so important to me and life without you is unimaginable. When I saw you on the ground, covered in blood, I honestly thought you were dead. I thought that once the ambulance got there, you were gonna be gone. Yes, I might've been overthinking, but, Armin, I was so scared. I don't think I had ever been so scared in my life." 

I was shocked. He really did love me. As a brother, a friend, and maybe a lover. He looked over at me, a tear rolling down his face. 

"I-I didn't know that Eren, I'm sorry I brought it up." 

"It's ok, Armin, you're really the one person in my life that I can't live without." 

I knew he meant this. He always puts on the face of a hardass and someone who's so strong, but with me, he is soft and kindhearted. We've had small intimate moments that show who he really is. 

"Eren, you are the most important person in my life, too. And I love you." Shit. I can't believe I said that. What's he going to say? Will he call me names and leave me now? Eren turned around, almost stunned.

"I love you too, Armin," he said with a smile. He walked over to me and sat down, "Can I hug you?" 

Without answering, I fell into his chest and listen to his heartbeat. I breathed in his smell of cinnamon and vanilla. It was so amazing and comforting. He then pulled away. 

"Promise me that you won't almost die on me again?" 


Sorry, this was long, but I think it's ok. Let me know what you think. 

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