9) To The Future (Part 1)

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Duchess' POV

After the short carriage journey over to the Bridgerton household, Simon and Daphne awaited my arrival at the front entrance. Stepping out into London society, various passers by glanced and whispered. It would be a lie if I said it didn't make me uneasy, but tonight was about one thing and one thing only.

"I see you're still limping ever so slightly. Your Grace" Anthony Bridgerton stepped out from the house and made his way along the red stoned path towards me, extending his hand to help me.

"I wasn't aware you knew. Although I thank you for your help." I smiled politely, never before have I really spoken to Anthony. So his help was of some what a surprise.

"Simon came back and told us, I must admit my brother was very concerned. I wonder if I might have a word with you before we reach the others." Anthony stopped and faced me.

"What is it?" I was concerned at his abrupt stop.

"I thought it was best I told you. My brother his intentions for you, they are to ensure your safety and your honour. Word of Lord Westington has come to my intention and you needn't worry. I have met him on few occasions and even I the major rake of London society can see what an awful man he is. Arrangements will be made and you shall be protected." Anthony spoke out of tone, placing his hand on my forearm.

As informal his approach was, I felt reassured that I could marry the man I had only thought about this last week. My luck was vastly changing and love was on the horizon.

"Lord Bridgerton, I don't know how I could possibly thank you. I am refreshed that I am not the only one to have known the man, at very least despise him. I do care for your brother, as much as I try to deny this ever growing feeling I only fear I will miss my opportunity."

Words so direct to Lord Bridgerton but my eyes couldn't meet his as I spoke of his brother and my declaration.

"Please, Lady Rothwingham. I couldn't imagine a more suited lady for my younger brother. Colin has unfortunately had his heart shattered before, for a long time I couldn't remember what cheerful Colin was like but you, something between the both of you shows his true colours. And I thank you, for bringing him joy. Now, shall we, your Grace?"

Astonished at his words, we made our way down the path towards not only the Duke and Duchess but also Benedict, Eloise, Colin and Violet.

"You took your time, how's the foot Lady Annabelle?"

Colin stepped forward taking my arm confidently, as though jealously was brewing.

"On the mend I believe thank you." I wanted to continue the conversation further but found my self feeling rather nervous and rather enjoying concentrating on his touch.

Colin just smiled in response. He too looking more nervous than his approach. A well timed cough from Daphne broke awkwardness.

"Well the Duke and I are glad that you could make it your Grace, we had wondered if the incident had knocked your confidence. Even I am still in disbelief that the man didn't stop." Daphne had a slight burrow in her brows as she tried to get her head round the accident from earlier.

"Daphne." The Duke had a warning tone.

"Trust me, my confidence is fine, my ankle however. Maybe not too much dancing today." I smiled looking at Colin towards the end of my sentence.

"Enough of the small talk, are we going yet?" Eloise, happy as ever piped up.

"Now sister, do remember your manners." Benedict teased.

I feel they both aren't too excited about a ball. I don't blame them.

"I'm sure tonight will bring us all some happiness. In ways we won't expect. You might meet someone Eloise." I proposed.

This earned a few sarcastic glances between the family and some awkward chuckles. Eloise however, smiled half heartedly and huffed before making her way to one of the carriages.

"Did I say something wrong?" I whispered slightly to Colin.

Before he had chance to reply Benedict stepped forward.

"I believe you are going to make a great addition to the family."

He then followed Eloise to the carriage. The rest of us slowly trailing behind him.

"You seem to have rosy cheeks your Grace." Colin's cheeky words made me giggle.

"I believe I am fond of your family."

This brought a smile to Colin's face.

"I see, I believe they are fond of you too. I as well am fond of you." Colin's arm made his way to my middle back and the other taking my arm as he helped me up the step to the carriage.

We where accompanied by Daphne and Simon. The rest of the Bridgertons in the carriage behind us.

"Please don't stop your talking on our account." Simon slightly joked.

Daphne gave him a playful whack to his arm.

"Ignore him." Rolling her eyes, she carried on with conversation.

"You never have told us what your home town Is like Annabelle."

"Well it is very remote. I rather love the quiet of it all really. The countryside has always been my favourite place to be. A place to focus with ease but also relax with ease. The locals are all really friendly and rather equipped to help one an other. When my father passed they seemed to have lost a little bit of cheer, my aim is to bring that back when I return. My father was a very present Duke, you would often find him wandering the cobble stones of York just speaking to everyone's wants and needs. His way was unique but I believe that is what made him such a ruler." I spoke openly, allowing the better sides of my Father to be portrayed as that is how I hope he is remembered.

"Your Father sounds like an honourable man, it is a great shame that we never got the chance to meet. I look forward to visiting one day." Daphne spoke.

"I agree Daph, but the part about the countryside sounds fantastic. If it's not too impolite for me to mention I must admit I much prefer the quietness of the countryside than the busy-polluted city. After last season I visited the more rural parts of London and instantly fell in awe of it. I didn't think such greenery existed." Colin spoke quickly after Daphne.

"Maybe one day soon you will get to see my home, it is of some beauty." I smiled, daring placing my hand on Colin's hand that had been lingering on mine ever since I had mentioned my Papa.


The next chapter will be far more exciting.

Thank you for 2.4k reads!

I am in disbelief and so grateful!

K x

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