chapter 1

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the tiny yellow car pulls up into the driveway. "here we are." kate says. sam thinks to herself woah this place is huge. they get out of the car and walk up to the house. sam, still amazed by the size of the mansion, stands there in shock.

"mrs grose!" kate exclaimed. sam is still standing there then realizes how far her mother has gotten. she runs to catch up to her mother. "who's mrs grose?" she asked. "the house keeper." kate answered.

they walk into the house but sam doesn't look around the room, instead she focuses on her mother so she won't get lost. she feels something tugging her dress. she turns around and sees a little girl no older than 9. "hi i'm flora!" the little girl says cheerfully. "i'm sam! it's nice to meet you flora" sam says.

"i'm gonna show you around! follow me!!" flora said while grabbing sam's hand. flora shows sam around the entire mansion and that took 15 maybe even 25 minutes. "this is your room and right there is miles' room" she points to the room next to sam's. "w-who's miles?" sam asked. "miles is my big brother, you might meet him or maybe not. c'mon let's go to the stables!!" flora replied.

sam followed flora to the stables when she heard something walking towards them. she was frightened then turned around quickly. "w-w-who are you" sam said, her voice shaking. "i'm miles, i live here." miles said with a bit of and attitude "who are you?" miles asked with a smug smirk on his face. sam took a second to reply, she was looking into his sparkling brown eyes. she saw lust in his eyes. "yeah umm i'm sam!" "the nanny's daughter right?" miles asked "yup that's me." sam said with a nervous smile on her face.

"see you around sam." miles softly said with a little smirk. flora showed sam the horses and they went back inside. it's was time for flora to be schooled so sam went to her bedroom. sam was laying down when she heard a loud bang of a drum. it was coming for miles' room. she slowly walked over to his bedroom, with every step the floor of the old house creaked.

sam slowly opened the the, it too creaked. "miles?" she whispered. "don't you know how to knock??" miles told her again with the same attitude as before. "i-i'm sorry i just heard a loud bang and was curious. i didn't mean to bar-" sam said until she was interrupted. "it's ok. i was just playing the drums. go back to your room. and next time, knock!" miles said cutting her off.

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