11: After the Fact

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The next day in school seemed to drag on for an eternity. (F/N) didn't even speak to Yachi that day, and the blonde was worried about her friend. Then, lunch came around.

(F/N) decided to eat with Tsukishima and Yamaguchi that day, and even they ate in silence. It wasn't awkward silence, but it wasn't exactly welcomed either. Tsukishima didn't even try to make his snarky comments, (F/N) wasn't her usual, lively self, and Yamaguchi didn't smile once.

It looked more like a funeral than a lunch.

Then, they heard screaming. (F/N) turned towards the direction of the yelling, only to find Kageyama and Hinata screaming at the top of their lungs and running around the baseball field with their school uniforms on.

She sighed, "What is wrong with them?"

Tsukishima shook his head, "I don't know, but I think we should go check it out." "Good idea, Tsukki." Replied Yamaguchi.

The three walked over, only to find that Kiyoko was scolding the duo. Tanaka, Nishinoya, Ennoshita, Kinoshita, and Narita were already on their way as well, or rather, Nishinoya and Tanaka were sprinting to say hi to Kiyoko while the others were trying to keep up.

After dodging their dive, Kiyoko sighed. Hinata looked down, the back up. "Then...will the third years be staying?"

As Tsukishima, Yamaguchi, and (F/N) walked into the dugout to join Kiyoko, they heard a shout in the distance.

"Come on! We're gonna be late!"

(F/N) was shocked. "Suga...?" When she turned around, she was met by the gaze of Daichi, a waving Sugawara, and her own brother running down the hill toward the rest of the team. Kiyoko smiled, "Yes, we'll all be staying."

(F/N) smiled, "Well, we might as well get to work, right? KAGEYAMA-KUN! GET READY TO PITCH, YOU'RE THROWING IS GETTING WEAK!" Kageyama blushed from across the field, "S-SHUT UP, NO IT HAS NOT!"

At the time, (F/N) wasn't sure why, but she felt butterflies seeing Kageyama blush. She brushed those feelings aside before beginning to run to the field. Or, well, trying to.

Kiyoko grabbed her by the arm, "(F/N), you need to eat your lunch first. You too, Kageyama and Hinata! You guys need to be healthy for our next tournament."

(F/N) sighed, "Sorry, Kiyoko-sama." The older girl shook her head, "And I told you not to call me that."

The team got their bento boxes out and then sat down to eat. (F/N) took a seat in the bleachers near Kageyama and Hinata, Tsukishima and Yamaguchi joined them a minute later.

Kageyama and Hinata were scarfing down their food, and (F/N) shook her head, "You guys better be careful. Don't choke on your food."

Hinata looked up from his bento, "Sorry, (F/N). We'll be careful." But due to the food in his mouth, it sounded more like "Sworie (F/N), werrr bwree cayrferl."

Tsukishima snarled, "Gross."

Kageyama swallowed the food in his mouth before saying, "Salty beanpole."

It was now that (F/N) got a good look at what Kageyama was eating. "Is that (favorite food)?"

The boy only nodded, "Yeah, why? Want some?"

(F/N) nodded, "Sure. If you don't mind, that is." The pitcher only shook his head, offering his bento to the girl sitting next to him. "Here. Have whatever you want." After handing his bento to (F/N), Kageyama took a sip of milk.

Yamaguchi smirked, elbowing Tsukishima to tell him to pay attention to what he was about to say, "You ought to just feed (F/N) yourself."

Kageyama spat out his milk, "wHAT?"

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