air raid!

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I eventually found, cynthia and the guys and asked them if they would give me a ride.

"So, like how much did you have?" Mike asked me.

"Anly like 20 hits" I snorted. "Shit. Man I have a headache though".

"I mean what is so special about reefer, I just I dont get it?" Tony said.

"Its like slater likes to call it, it's a medicine or whatever" I said.

"Medicine?" Tony said confused.

"Yeah, like it takes you to a place where like it's all alright" I said. "God, I sound like slater dont i" I covered my face with my hands. "Its whereing off now".

"God, I mean your too pretty to be smoking joints, you know" mike said.

"Thanks mikey" I playfully slapped his cheek.

"What does pretty have to do with smoking joints" cynthia laughed.

"Its just the whole image of it, you see a person and everybody knows they are good and innocent you know, and then you see them smoking a joint and- and it just ruins their whole image" mike said. "No offense to you jasmine, I mean you only smoke sometimes".

"None taken" I grinned.

"Hey, what's going on here?" Cynthia looked out her window.

There where truckloads full of girls and people sitting on their cars.

"Freshman hazing" I said.

"Oh my god they still do that?" Tony laughed.

"Yeah and we all have to listen to darla yelling, air raid! Air raid!" I imitated darla and rolled my eyes.

"I mean it's like a tradition" mike said. "But it still doesnt make it right".

"I mean should we check it out?" Cynthia said.

"I dont care" I said. Cynthia pulled into the lot and parked her car. She right away went to talk to some group of girls she knew. Me, tony, and mike leaned against a car.

"Its funny cause I rember when, I had to this" I laughed.

"Oh yeah" tony said.

"Yeah excpet we had slut written in big words on our forhead" I said. "Darla wasnt even head cheerleader until this year, some girl name mona Richards  was the one who did it"

"On Yeah I rember her" mike said.

"alright you little freshman bitches!" Darla yelled. "Air raid".

All the girls fell to the ground.

"That was pathetic!" Darla yelled. "Let's try it again, that means get up you lazy little bitches, get up!". All the girls got up quickly. "Air raid!"

They all dropped down.

"That was horrible you little sluts, you little freshman sluts!" Darla yelled.  "Get up! Up! Up! Up! Air raid!" She yelled even louder.

I saw pink, slater, and don sitting in the back of a car. They where laughing and watching.

"I'll uh- I'll come back in a bit" I said.

"Okay" they both said.

I walked over to them.

"Well, well jasmine we meet again today" don laughed.

I rolled my eyes.

"So, I think I might go later on" I looked up at pink.

"Oh yeah" he said and looked up at me.

"Yeah" I smiled.

"You'll probably need a ride" he said and  I looked up at him.

"Maybe" I shrugged.

"Well since you little prick teases cant learn to follow simple instructions, where just goona have to try something else wont we" darla smiled. "Seniors, you love it, smile, you love use" she said.

All the senior girls started grabbing ketchup, mustard, flower, wheat, and tons of things out if paper bags. And they started dumping it all over each girl.

The boys couldn't help but laugh. And so couldn't I.

"Suffer sisters!" Darla laughed. "Suffer! Whoooo!" She sprayed ketchup everywhere.

"Ughh" I looked at the poor girls covered in condiments.

"Open wide! Open wide!" Darla laughed.

"God damn it" I laughed. "I'm fucking glad I'm not a freshman anymore".

"Your right" pink laughed. I looked up and saw shavonne coming over our way, with a freshman girl.

"Propose to mr. Dawson" shavonne said.

The girl got on her knees.

"Will you marry me?" She asked.

"Dont know what's in it for me" he said.

"Anything you want" she said.

"Anything?" He said.

"Anything" she said.

"Go like this" don said and opened his mouth. She opened her mouth. "Do you spit or swallow" he said. I gently slapped his arm.

I snickerd and looked away.

"Whatever- you like" she said a little confused.

"Whatever I like?" He said. "I would definitely marry you".

"Your so degraded man" slater laughed.

"Come on" shavonne helped the girl up. She looked back. "Your an asshole" she said.

"Yes I am" don laughed.

"She didnt even know what you where talking about" I laughed.

"That's what's funny about it jas" he laughed. "Anyways you should know about it right? You and clint you know" he laughed.

"You little asshole" I laughed.

"Is it true?" Slater said. They all looked at me.

"No!" I said. "Man you guys are gross" I laughed and started walking away.

"Jasmine" A voice yelled. I turnt and saw clint with some of his friends in his car.

"I thought your car broke down?" I laughed and ran towards the car.

"Got it fixed" he shrugged. "You ready to go?" He said.

"Sure!" I smiled. His friend got in the back seat and I got in the front seat.

"Hey! Mike, tony I'll see you guys later!" I yelled out the window. Tony waved and mike just staired at Clint's car. Clint drove off fast.

"So, who gave you a ride?" He asked.

"Cynthia" I replied. "She gave mike and tony a ride too". I looked out the window. "Where we going?" I looked at him.

"Dont know" he shrugged and played it cool. His two friends where smoking in the back. One of his friends passed him the blunt. Clint took it a smoked it. He looked at me.

"I already did some" I shook my head. He smirked and passed it back to his friends.

"With who?" He asked.

"Oh just slater, Michelle, and pickford" I replied. He nodded. I flashed a small smile and turned up the radio.

He turned it off.

"So, hows old randy floyd?" He asked.

"Hes good" I replied. I scooted over a little closer to him.

"Are you okay?" I whispered.

"I'm fine and fucking dandy baby" he smirked and looked at you.

"Okay" I kissed his cheek. He drive even faster. I laughed and threw my hands up.

☆SLoW RIdE☆ (Randy"pink" Floyd/Dazed & Confused )Where stories live. Discover now