My Faults

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I walked past darla, whom was chugging beer thru a tube. She drank to much and it squirted all over her.

I've been in the right place
But it must have been the wrong time
I'd have said the right thing
But I must have used the wrong line

I passed quickly by clint who spit out a fountain of beer in the air and it got all over this one guy.

"Hey, slater have you seen pink anywhere?" I asked slater.

"No, man" he said. I nodded and continued walking away.

That is until I hear cherry bomb by the runaways playing.

So I got my ass with a group of others and started dancing.

Hello daddy, hello mom
I'm your ccccccherry bomb!
Hello world I'm your wild girl
I'm your ccccccherry bomb!

Once the song was over I saw Michelle and the others smoking on top of a car.

I got on top of the hood with pickford.

"Wheres pink at?" He asked turning to me. I shrugged and took the blunt that he had in his hand. I took a hit and closed my eyes.

"Watch them fly" Michelle sung. "Away".

"Do you guys know what that song is about?" Kevin said. "Its about aliens".

"I belive that" I smirked.

"Were the aliens man, were the savages" kevin said. "Were the savages".

"Wait man the songs about that?" Kenny asked high as a kite.

"Yeah man that songs about that" slater said.

"About-about aliens" Kenny said.

"Yeah man you didnt know that" slater said. "The country was founded by people who where into aliens man" he rambled on. "George Washington man he was in a cult and the cult was into aliens man, you didnt know that?"

"Nope" I leaned my head back.

"Aww yeah man, they were way into that stuff" slater said.

"I'm thirsty" I got up. "See you guys later".

"Bye" pickford slowly said.

I walked over to the keg and poured myself some beer.

I saw mike drinking beer as he walked alone.

That was a little odd?

I sure hope hes okay. Hes a very sensitive person and I know how hard it is to get over things.

"And what might you be doing?" Cynthia said.

"Honestly" I laughed. "Being bord".

"Your not having fun?" She asked.

"Not really" I shrugged. "Have you seen pink?".

"Uh yeah, he was talking with me and the others a couple of minutes ago" she said. "Oh wait there he is" she pointed to pink and jody walking out of the woods.

My heart dropped at the sight behold me.

"You okay?" She asked.

"Y-yeah" I said. "Totally- listen I'll talk to you later" I said and walked away.

"Hey ya jasmine" don laughed.

"Hi" I smiled and stood beside him and melvin.

"You getting waisted" he snickered.

"Not yet" I chuckled.

"Shouldn't you be with your boyfriend" melvin said.

"Not right now" I said. He nodded.

"Everything good?" Don leaned in and asked me.

"Yep" I said.

"W- w-wait man what was that all about" don looked up at pink walking towards use.

"What?" Pink said confused.

"What where you doing back there?" Melvin asked.

"Nothing" he said.

"Look, look it's your boy" melvin pointed to mitch and julie sitting on top of her car.

"Kramer!" Don yelled.

"Yeah, you you you, freshman right here" melvin said. "Come on, right here buddy".

Mitch waved awkwardly.

Don waved back and looked at use.

"Hes just waving" melvin and him laughed.

"Freshman over here now" don said.

"Now" melvin said.

"Come on, come on" they both said.

"Hes a little casanova" don said.

"Look at that shit little grin on his face" melvin said as mitch walked up to use.

"Not bad for a little freshman, but you better watch out for them older girls" pink said. I looked at him.

"Hey, hey come here" melvin said. "We just wanna know something Okay- are you goona be fucking that later or are you goona be a little wimp huh?"

"Geez guys" I laughed embarrassed.

"How do you know I havent already" mitch said. We all laughed.

"Ah shit boy get outta here I think its past your bed time, run along" melvin laughed.

"Hey man" pink pulled him aside. "Why dont you go get a ride with her- say we left you".

Mitch looked over at julie.

"Itll work" pink said. "Itll work go" he pushed mitch gently away.

"Go, go boy" they all laughed as he walked away.

I walked away from the boys.

"Hey wait jasmine!" Pink ran to me.

"Yes?" I said.

"Where you going?" He said. I shrugged.

"So I'm guessing you'll be getting a ride later from somone huh?". I said and looked up at him.

"Like who?" He laughed confused.

"Mmm I dont know" I shrugged. "Jody".

His smiled faded . 

"What are Y-

"Its fine randall" I said. "If you have a thing for her you could have just told me instead of leading me on and kiss me".

"I dont have a thing for her" he said.

"Oh yeah, then what were you guys really doing out there" i said.

"Talking" he replied.

"Bullshit" i chuckled.

"What's the problem?" He said.

"The problem is, I hate being used and treated like I'm dumb" I said. "I know what goes on, I'm not stupid".

"Nobody said you where" he said.

"But it feels like that!" I said. "So that whole you have feelings for me speech, was just bullshit huh?" 

"I do, have feelings for you!" He said.

"Yeah for sure" I laughed. "And I mean I might have been in the wrong for kissing you up there, beacuse you have a girlfriend" I said. He looked down .  "Rember her? Simone". He looked up at me. "At least I know my faults, and I dont lie about them" i gritted before walking off.

☆SLoW RIdE☆ (Randy"pink" Floyd/Dazed & Confused )Where stories live. Discover now