paint job

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I walked back to the group. All of them looking at me.

"Everything alright darlin?" Wooderson asked.

"Yeah" I smiled and played it cool. He nodded and started to play pool with melvin.

I walked over to michelle and sat with her on the counter next to slater who was playing on the pinball machine.

"Hes jealous" she said without looking at me.

"Who?" I asked and looked at her.

"Clint" she replied and took a drag out of her cigarette. "He is controlling you, dont you notice?".

"No, hes just bring protective" I replied.

"Jasmine" she now looked at me. "You shouldn't let him do that to you, he is hurting you and you dont see it".


"You dont have to say anything" she stopped me. "Just know that you can always say no to him" she hugged me lightly and jumped off the counter.

I looked down and thought about what she said.

I started dating clint this year. It was in december and I knew him before that. He is nice and caring, but he just has a temper. And he gets a little bit crazy when he drinks.

But I noticed that tonight he has been acting a bit too protective of me.

But why? I mean theres nobody here that would hurt me.

"Hey, jasmine" wooderson said. "Party at moon tower".

"Cool, I'll be there" I nodded.

Pink looked at me from across the room.

I smiled at him and looked away.

I jumped off the counter and sorta walked around the room.

I was kinda bord and I think so was everyone else.

"Alright! Alright!" I heard O'bannion yell as he ran outside. Pretty soon everyone was heading outside to see what was going on.

"Hey, what's going on," I stopped mitch.

"You gotta see this" he  laughed.

I ran outside and saw pink also out there.

I stood beside him, as we watched what was about to go down.

There was a freshman up against garage door.

He was telling the kid some stuff, that I kinda heard.

"Did you all here this motherfuckers mom pulled a shot gun on me this afternoon" he pointed down at the kid. "Fucking bitch" he said.

I got a little closer. But pink gently pulled me back.

"Y-you havent had any likes yet have you?" He asked the kid.

"No" the kid replied.

"Whooo!" O'bannion laughed. "Another cherry boys!".

The kid stood straight and looked at O'bannion.

"Man get the fuck up against the wall" O'bannion pushed the kid to the wall. "You know something you have to be the dumbest, freshman, skinny little, cocksucker, son of a bitch to be out here tonight. You know that?" He said. "You knew I was goona find you" he said.

He sighed.

"I would like to dedicate this first lick" he leaned down to the kid. "To your mother, fucker".

O'bannion was about to hit him, but he didnt.

"Oh oh, not yet" O'bannion laughed. He did it again. "Its getting warmer" he said.

He did it again, only to stop what he was doing.

"What the fuck?" He said as he looked at his shoulder.

Next thing you know white paint was all over him.

The kid ran away laughing.

"Holy shit!" I laughed.

I looked up at some kids on the roof with a paint bucket.

"Rember me you pig, weee weee" the kid said and laughed.

O'bannion looked up, the kid dumped the whole rest of the paint all over him.

"Jesus you let that little fuck get away?!" He yelled. He got closer to his friends. "What is the matter with you its fucking pitiful!" He yelled.

He walked away. "Fuck, freshman shitheads!" He said.

Some guy was walking over to his friends.

"What the fuck you looking at, I'll kick your fucking ass right now" he spread out his arms.

The guy backed away.

He walked towards use on the other side. He looked up.

At this point I was smiling like an idiot.

For a second it looked like he was looking at me.

He sped walk towards use. He passed by me.

"What are you smiling at freshman faggot?!" He pushed mitch. He saw me smiling. "And you, you fucking bitch what are smiling at?".

"Hey dont get all made because you got what you deserved jackass" I scoffed.

"You little bitch-" he came closer to me.

Pink pushed O'bannion off.

"Just cool it man!" Pink said and stood in front of me.

"Fuck you" he said and walked away. "Fuck all of you! Fuck you!" He jumped and yelled.

"God damn it!" He then smashed his paddle on the ground. It broke into pieces on the ground.

He threw a piece on the ground.

He got into his car and started it.

"Oh man" wooderson laughed.

"Wellhe finally got his paint job" pink said, which caused me to laugh.

O'bannion drove past use on the grass madly.

"You good?" Pink said and put his hand on my shoulder.

"Man that was the best thing that I've seen all night" I laughed. I looked over at mitch. "And you junior, are one badass" I laughed and hugged him. He gently hugged me back.

"Hey, who wants to go to top notch?" Slater said.

"I do!" I smiled. I looked over at pink. "Pink? You wanna go?".

He smiled.

"Nah" he said. "But I'll drive you there" he said.

"I guess the fries can wait" I laughed. "Sure thing" I smiled.

☆SLoW RIdE☆ (Randy"pink" Floyd/Dazed & Confused )Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora