moon tower

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I kicked the dirt below my feet as I leaned against Woodson's car, smoking a cigarette.

"Raging bitch" I laughed to myself as I blew out a cloud of smoke.

"Who's a raging bitch?" Pink came over to me.

I sniffed, wiping my nose.

"Me" I chuckled.

"No your not" he chuckled. "Who said that?".

"Clint" I smirked and blew smoke out. I laughed to myself. There was a moment of silence. "I don't know if I love him anymore" I said. He looked up at me. I let out another laugh. "Some people just sorta you know, start liking other people".

"Yeah" he shrugged. "I know what you mean".

"I'm afraid to tell him though" I said. "Michelle told me today, that he controls me and I dont see it". I stiffed up. "Maybe shes right".

He didnt say anything he just looked at me. I looked up at him.

His blue eyes where kept on me. We got a little closer.


"Hey man" slater came over. We scooted over fast. "Where all going up the moon tower you guys in?" He pointed at use.

"Sure" I laughed. He laughed and walked away. "Come on" I laughed and began walking.


"Whys it called the moon tower anyway?" Mitch asked.

"Uh I guess they just decided to put it out here when they where building the power plant" pink said. "Actaully it's a good idea, I mean you got a full moon out here every day of the year, you know".

"Yeah but nothing's very been repaired, so this whole place could fall down at any time" pickford said. "So you better watch your step junior" he looked down at mitch. "Whoah" he yelled.

"Pickford knock it off" I chuckled and so did he.

"This place used to be off limits man" slater said. "Cus some drunk freshman fell off".

"I rember that" I said.

"Yeah, he went right down the middle smacking his head on every beam man" slater said.

"Oh yeah" I said. "Did he fall backwards like this" I let one of my hands go and extended out, yelling.

They all looked down at me, with scared faces.

"Jasmine man, dont play like that" pickford said.

"Jasmine, what the hell?" Pink said.

"You could have fell too" slater said.

"But I didnt, did i" i laughed.

"Anyways I hear it doesnt hurt after the first couple though" slater continued. "Autopsy said he had one beer man, how many did you have?" He asked mitch.

"Four" mitch sighed.

"Your dead man, your so dead" slater said.

We all laughed and continued climbing up.

"Look at the blood stains right there" slater said.

"Shut up" I laughed.


"Would you look at this fucking town man" slater said.

"Its dead" mitch said.

"Imagine how many people right now are fucking" slater said.

I covered my face and laughed.

"Gross" I chuckled.

Pickford walked away.

"Just goin at it" slater said.

I leaned my face  against the cold metal bar. I looked at pink who was staring at the town.

"What?" He said and laughed.

"Nothing" I chuckled. He looked back at the town. "You know your best friend" I said.

He looked at me.

"Oh really" he said.

"Yeah" I said. "Besides the others".

"You too" he said.

"Rember the first time we met" I laughed. "It was in the 7th grade and I had cheated on my reading test, and I got sent to the principals office, and there you where sitting down next to me" I laughed. "I asked you what you where in there for and you said, nothing, your mom was picking you up early".

"I rember that" he laughed.

"Yeah and then after that we started talking more" I said.

"Yeah and when you started your girl thingy, I was the one to give you my jacket to hide the back of your jeans" he rolled his eyes.

"Oh yeah" I laughed and covered my face embarrassed.

"Come on guys, where going down" slater said.

"Yeah we'll come in a minute" pink said.

"Hey, so what's up with you and simone, she was giving you and jodie dirty looks at the emporium" I said.

"She gets in one of her moods i guess" he shrugged. I nodded. "And you and Clint?". 

"I think I'll probably just talk to him you know" I said.

"Yeah" he said. "You still love him?".

"I-I don't know" I said looking slowly up at him.

"Your too good for him" he said. I was suprised to hear that from him.

"Pink?" I said confused.

"I-I think your beautiful" he said finally looking at me.

"Wait a minute, are you saying what I think your saying, cus if you are-

"Yeah" he said and got closer to me. "That's exactly what I'm saying".

My breathing hitched up. I swallowed hard as he looked at my face and down at my lips.

Suddenly his lips where against mine.

I didnt know what to do.

Pink was my best friend. This couldn't be happening?

I pulled apart as, it got a little too much.

"Woah- i- pink" I chuckled and looked down.

He chuckled and looked away.

"So what?" I said. "You like me now?"

"I've always liked you" he said. "But, you know, your so wild and crazy, it just made me like you even more".

"I've always liked you too" I said. "I- guess your the only guy I've actually ever related to" I laughed as did he.

Silence broke out.

"So" I sighed. "We have to keep this between use, okay?".


"Because" I said. "If we tell anyone, we can start trouble with simone and I can start trouble with clint".

"Fine" he got up. "Whatever you say". He helped me up.

I gave him a small hug. Which kind of turned into another makeout session.

"Pink, its not like I'm going anywhere" I chuckled as he kissed my neck. "Come on let's go down".

He let go of me and we both climbed down the ladder.

☆SLoW RIdE☆ (Randy"pink" Floyd/Dazed & Confused )Where stories live. Discover now