its canceled

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There I was laying back. The sun shining down on me. The radio lowly playing Peter frampton's show me the way and a freshly lit cigarette in between my fingers.

"Oh wont you show me the way, I want you to show me the way" I sung lowly.

The car door opened and clint came in. He set a pack of beers on the seat and handed me a paper bag. I adjusted the seat up.

"What's this?" I asked and opened it.

"You asked for licorice right" he took the cigarette from my fingers and smoked it.

"Oh yeah, thank you" I smiled. I took a string of licorice out of the paper bag and began eating it. "You think that'll be enough beer for the party?"

"Yeah, I think everyone's bringing their own beers" he replied and blew smoke out.

"I might not go" I said and swallowed a piece of licorice.

"What do you mean your not going?" He looked at me. "Hey! Hey!" He yelled at someone out the window. I looked at who he was talking to. It looked like a freshman."hey fucking freshman you look at her again and I'll fucking paddle you myself, you got that!" Clint said. The freshman scrammed off scared.

"Clint?" I looked at him. "Hes a kid, for God's sake".

"Finish what you where saying" he ignored me. I rolled my eyes.

"I dont know, I kind of just thought of crusing around you know" I shrugged.

"Oh your going" he chuckled and handed me back my cigarette.

"Come on-

"You said you was goona go" he said.

"That was monday" I said.

"And you keep your word" he said and started the car. He pulled out of the store parking lot and drove off.

"Hey, you stop at my house real quick" I asked.

"For what?" He asked.

"I wanna see if Michelle's there" I said. He nodded and turned up the radio.


I jumped out of the car and walked up to my house. It was pretty quite inside and I was guessing no one was home.

"Michelle?" I yelled. No answer. I walked over to the phone and dialed Pickfords number.

It rang for a couple seconds.

"Hello?" Pickford said.

"Pickford, its jasmine" I said.

"Oh yeah what's up?" He said.

"What time is the party?" I asked.

"Shit- didnt you hear" he said. "My parents cancelled their vacation, fucking keg came early and my dad totally flipped".

"Shit" I sighed. "So theres not goona be an party?".

"Yeah" he replied. "But everyone's probably goona go to the emporium, drive around".

"Cool so I guess I'll se you guys later" I said.

"For sure" he laughed. I said goodbye and hung up.

I ran out of my house and shut the door behind me.

I leaned down by the car window.

"Hey, so pickford and the others are goona hang at the emporium later, you wanna go?" I asked.

"Yeah, sure" he grinned.

"Hey, im goona get ready, so how bout you go home and get ready and then come and pick me back up" I said.

"Alright, I'll pick you up at 5:00" he said.

"Okay see you later" I smirked and watched as his car drove off afterwards.

Hey guys sorry for the short chapter, but I have a really good feeling about this book and I'm so excited to write more!!!💖⚡🌙✌☮

☆SLoW RIdE☆ (Randy"pink" Floyd/Dazed & Confused )Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu