Chapter 19 : Alaya's Failure

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Alaya the collective counciousness of mankind, responsible to insure their survival was currently furious and humiliated. Why you may ask ? Well she just lost her favorite counter guardian.

Sitting next to her in human form was gaia who was laughing at her and making fun.

Gaia : how does it feel to lose one of your pets.

Alaya : hahaha, you think I will allow that, that I will let them do as they please, nobody takes from me and lives to tell the tale.
Alaya spoke in madness after lossing emiya.

Gaia : and what will you do now, you already lost him .

Alaya : let us see how they deal with assasain. Hahahahah

Deploying another counter guardian to take care of shirou and his family, the name of the guardian is emiya kiritsuga.

Counter guardian kiritsuga was an old and souless man, he has spent years of his after life in killing many people in persuit of his dream of being a hero of justice, he had no family and died alone, he has been a guardian for years so killing did not bother him.

He saw the house of his target, for an assasain of his skill it would not be very hard to infiltrate. He drew his gun and readied himself to kill who was inside when he felt a presence behind him but it was too late, he lost counciousness.

1 hour later.

Little by little, kiritsuga regained counciousness, he checked and saw he was tied up and unable to move.

Looking around he saw his targets infront of him.

Shirou : old man what are you doing here.
Recognizing him from his game.

Illya : daddy I missed you so much.

Kiritsuga was confused, who was that girl and why did she call him dad.

Kiritsuga : I am a counter guardian deployed to kill you, and why do you call me dad girl ?

Illya : do you not remmember me papa ?
With tears in her eyes.

Shirou : easy illya, he must come from another timeline.

Aoka : seems alaya is angry over losing one of her toys.

Shirou : who wants to mess with her and teach her a lesson ?

Arcueid : oh me me, let's do it.

Archer : me too.

Ciel : are you sure that is wise ? Making the world angry.

Aoka : no it is not.... but I want to do it.

Kiritsuga : so will you kill me ?

Shirou : nah, even if you are from another timeline you are still my old man, so..

With a wave of his hand, kiritsuga felt he was alive again and his connection to alaya destroyed.

Illya : welcome back daddy
Hugging kiritsuga

Kiritsuga did not know why, but he hugged illya gently and began to comfort her.

Shirou : hey archer can you do me a favor?

With alaya.

Alaya was crying she has lost another guardian of hers, she would have revenge.

Gaia : give it up, there is nothing you can do idiot and while watching you suffer makes me happy, I can't bear hearing your crying.

Alaya : no I will...

She was inturupted by a portal openning beside her were she saw the source of her hatred look at her, she was about to speak when a pie was throw  in her face followed by a click of a camera, then the portal clossing.

Silence dominated the place then the laughter of gaia erupted. Never has she seen alaya so humiliated. After 2 minutes she saw alaya not moving and grew worried.

Gaia : it's not that bad.

Alaya : it's not that, this is Emiya's baked pie, I will not be able to make him cook for me again.
Then she began to cry for lossing her chef .

With emiyas

Laughter dominated the house, archer was practically rolling on the ground seeing the being who caused him to suffer for long prancked brought him a sense of happiness.

Arcueid : did you see her face ? Haha

Archer : I got a picture to frame.

Lorelei : I think you upped zelretch in madness.

Sella : I don't think even he would dare do that.

In another place

Zelretch : I feel like I have been challenged.

Many magi shuddered for some unexplained reason.

With emiyas.

Shirou : well that was great and all but we really need to sleep.

Sella : I am tired.

Ciel : I want to sleep and forget today ever happened.

Lorelei : me too.

The end

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