Chapter 5

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       Andreas POV
I was having a good time with this girl grinding on me, the drinks were also starting to kick in. I guess y'all are wondering why am always between someones legs or why am always thinking of getting high...well your niggah here is depressed, SURPRISE!! Yup diagnosed with depression and the fact that not even my hommies have the clue about it is really messing me up. Its not cause they don't care, its cause have been avoiding their questions every  single time. Then the only way i can keep from over thinking is by fucking or drinking my poor life away, in short am addicted to alcohol and sex.

Remember the last time Nel asked me what was wrong and i dodged her question and every time she wanted to talk to me, i always change the subject...well how am i going to tell her that am addicted to sex and alcohol. I get she is worried about me and that she cares but i don't want to be a burden to her, she has a lot being thrown her way and she always acts strong. Back to this booty on me, i tell you this girl can move, her waist flexible and booty wobbly, the typpa one that if placed on fours then pound the shit from behind would scream 'yes daddy spank me' now that is what this girl carry.

The fact that everybody was fucked up was good and also bad, how in the hell are we getting home?Ro ass is blacked out and he is supposed to be responsible one among us, Serenity is horny and kissing on Niques' friend, Laurea is somewhere with Darnella blacked out and there is me ready to black the fuck out...wait hold on, i need me in between  this legs so no blacking out for me while Nel pothead is literally out this planet.

'Aye Nique, would you please call us a cab so that i can take them home 'i say clearly unable to even stand up from where i was seated.
'Bro you cant even stand, how you gonna take them up those stairs at Nels place.' Nique says about to laugh. This nigga was drinking with us but she is kinder sober.
'Now how are you able to be this sober well not sober sober and you have been drinking with us the whole night.' I ask her and she starts laughing then pulled out her phone and record thus niggas before answering me.
'Lets say i can handle my drink, aye Phoenix you are going to drive the car they came with to my house so you are taking Ro and the girl she is with and Serenity with Andreas while ill get the rest. 'Nique says and i just sit there. She walks out the door and come with this gigantic men and orders them to carry the blacked out individuals and take them out through the back door to the packing lot and wait for her. I stager out with the girl i was with earlier following the buffy guys while she just picks Nel like she ain't heavy, now i know damn well Nel ass is heavy and Nique is just walking like she ain't carry anything.

The drive to her place was not long and neither was it bad but i wonder how they gonna react tomorrow when they see the video of them blacked out. I just hope there is enough room in her house and some food that i can eat tomorrow. Let me just tell you guys my jaw dropped when we arrived at her house, this woman is monied i tell you. We get in and showed our rooms as she went upstairs with Nel. She has this interest on Nel but am sure she ain't know Nel is a hard nut to crack.

Mahn all i was thinking about this time was this girls moans and how she tasted, hope she tastes good cause shwaty has good looks. Immediately we enter the room, i was already stripping her, bwoy this girl has a nice body. I know Nique wouldn't bring us hoes, please let me and my friends not have bad ass hangovers cause am literally going to sleep the whole day and be in this girls guts.

This girls moans where like music to my ears and she tasted like pineapples that i didnt want to stop feeding on her. I wonder how Serenity and Laurea are, Darnella and Phoenix are really cool guys and fun to be around but i must talk to Ro and Nel cause they cant be worried about me like that, shit am even worried about myself. I hope they wont flip, the can because i have been hiding alot from them.

For now lemme feed some more on thie meal then probably think on how am going to tell my niggas am addicted to sex. I cant imagine their reactions cause this niggas can turn from happy to worried in 0.2seconds. Am not even worried of Ro cause i can handle him, i am worried of Nel cause this woman can snap my neck in seconds, she is crazy yet calm, tough yet soft ooh and she can get ruthless when she looses her cool. Ooh God help my black ass for i know am going to get it from them no wait from her. I cant even concentrate at all.

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