Chapter 9

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         Ro POV
It is motherfucking two weeks since I saw Nel and Andreas, I have been avoiding my mum's questions cause I can't bare lying to mum. Am going crazy here and I can't speak for Nique but that nigga is really worried sick cause of Nel and her silence, then there is the issue with Serenity and her stupidity, I can't even deal with her bullshit right now.

Nel you better show up soon and in one piece or Mama, D is gonna skin my high yellow ass alive. How will I start explaining to her that you went to look for Andreas two weeks ago and never returned yet I have been lying to her that you are either busy, sleeping or you just stepped out so you better come back and be the one explaining to Mama D where you were. Now how is Nique gonna feel if your ass doesn't come back cause that nigga feels you, fuck look at me now having endless conversations in my head like you gonna hear me and answer me? Not long after having my daily dose of endless conversations, I get a phone call from Nique.
"Hello hommie," I say through the phone and I could swear that I just heard sniffling from Nique, Nel got her in her spell real good.
"Hello to, have you heard anything from her yet?" Nique asks.
"Come on homie, I need you to relax some more, she will surely show up sooner or later," I say having faith in my homegirl.
"But it's been two fucking weeks Roman, I miss her and am worried that she might not be coming back," Nique says and is sure she didn't want me hearing the missing part.
"Nique she is coming back that I know," I tell her and she just goes silent. This nigga is going crazy and nobody can calm her down, always on your page on Instagram looking at your pictures and the fact that you are not around is bothering me cause I have no one to nag and stress. Kimberly is a nice girl, she been around for me trying to distract me from all the thinking have been doing and during this period I can say proudly that the side of her have met is good then there is a side that she told me is bad, I mean I know you work these streets meaning you are dangerous but don't have a face that screams danger. I say she is obsessed with being in good terms with Nel cause she needs to impress Mama D, she always talks about this a lot.

I get to laugh when around Kimberly cause she is funny but my nigga Nique ain't even talking to her best friends, she is truly suffering. Remember my outburst on Serenity, I meant every single word I said that day and I ain't planning on going back on them. Phoenix is avoiding her ass and on top of that, she ain't even trying to reply to her text messages. Her dumb self brought this upon her self so she gonna deal with it alone, how is she going to get Phoenix-like before or get Laurea to forgive her ass shit how is she gonna explain shit to Nel when she comes train of thoughts are cut off with my phone ringing and guess whose ringtone it was if you've guessed Mama D then you are right. This has been her daily routine for the past two weeks and I already suspect she knows I have been lying.

"Mama! how are you today?" I ask her immediately I answer the phone.
"Am one minute away from boarding a plane to New York and get your lying ass."  She states that even before answering my question.
"Mum you could at least respond to my question first," I say shaking my head as if she is going to see.
"Don't get smart with me Roman, now you gonna tell me why you have been lying to me and where my daughter is or imma come to force you to tell me as I sure know you wouldn't pick the last option,"  she says to me with so much seriousness in her voice, God why am always the one to break the bad news to people??
" Mum, a lot has been happening and since we didn't want to stress you, we thought it was wise not to tell you anything just yet, "I say then add," but since you are asking, it happens that Andreas  was diagnosed with Bipolar II Disorders and was struggling with it for a while and he wasn't telling us, so when he told us  Nel got mad cause she felt like Andreas doesn't trust us enough to tell us when he is not okay."
"Listen up baby boy, you guys gonna have to deal with me and whatever am going to do to the three of you, please continue," Mama D says in a more threatening tone.
"Mama, Nel was beyond pissed and didn't want to let her anger out on him cause she has also been on the edge and I believe she tells you everything, so she left me and Andreas in the study room we were using," I say trying not to stir up anger in her.
"Roman if you don't finish telling me the whole thing..." Mama D says, now I know she will be landing in New York TODAY.
"So when she left she went to sleep off her anger and that is when Andreas and his supposed 'girlfriend' left saying they were going to get some fresh air and they never came back," I say then add, "Nique went upstairs to look for Nel and they came down hours later and Nel was trying to break a coded message that our friends had received and notice Andreas was not around, so she asked about him and when we told her where he might be she headed upstairs again without a word."
"Hold on Roman, you trying to tell me my kid is missing?" Mama D asks
"Ma! Lemme finish first, when Nel was upstairs, Kimberly, Serenity and Laurea we're having a conversation which made Laurea try to reach Andreas and he wasn't answering since that is so unlike Andreas, Laurea broke down crying and saying Andreas wasn't picking his phone so one of our friends suggested we reach out for Jenna but was told that they had tried her first and it was the same case with her," I say this and catch my breath a little then add," as the rest was trying to calm he down, I was trying to get hold of Andreas and he didn't pick up all the multiple times I had tried to reach him so I got frustrated and threw my phone into a wall which caused noise and Nel to come downstairs to find a crying Laurea and asked what happened and Serenity just runner her mouth causing Nel to let Dāku Enjeru out."

"She did what?" Mama D asks, yes now you are worried too so you won't have the energy to whoop us.
"Nel let out Dāku Enjeru and just left us at Nique's place without a word and since then no one has heard or seen Nel, Andreas and Jenna," I say finalizing the story.
"You will listen to me closely, am on my way to the airport and I better find a room ready for me or imma go to Nels house and you better not try to story me cause it won't work this time, ooh and I need to meet this friend of yours." Mama D says and I hear shuffling come from her end.
"Mama, you ain't even packed yet and you will meet them at my house when you arrive," I say other.
"Boy is always ready, so I will be landing in three hours." She says ending the call to get ready I think.

"BABE!" I shout looking for Kimberly and this girl doesn't even answer me, she just walks into the living room with her mouth full, FATASS!!
"You gonna run my fridge and groceries dry girl, I just need to inform you that Mama D is on her way here and she will be landing in three hours so I need your help in preparing a room for her," I say and this girl nearly choked on the food in her mouth. She then runs to a trash can and spit out the food and put the rest on the kitchen counter before coming back to where I was.
"Did you just say Mama D is on her way here?" She asks then adds, "what room will she be using, what colour does she like on her bed, what food should I prepare?" she is freaking out and she was just looking good.
"You need to relax baby girl, we gonna prepare her a room then wait for her to arrive before we think of cooking something. She is coming on serious issues and she wanna see y'all." I say trying to make her relax.
"What business babe?" She asks kinder calm right now.
"Well she is coming to look for her lost kids and she also wants to have a conversation with you, Laurea and Serenity," I say and she just nods her head heading upstairs to prepare a room for Mama D. Please God let Mama like her and please let Kimberly don't do me dirty like Ariel did, AMEN. I say mentally following her upstairs.
"Baby relax and let me help you, "I say as soon as I reach the room and she just had to choose the room Mama D always use.
"You know how much I wanna impress her daddy, I need her to like me, I have to make her like me." She says trying to change the beddings on the bed before adding, "who uses this room cause it smells really good?"
"This is Mama D's favourite room," I say and she hums in response.
"Baby, can I ask you for a favour?" I ask her.
"Sure," She says straightening the bed.
"Baby you know I don't talk to Serenity, I would like you to tell her that Mama D is arriving and her presence is needed," I say and she finishes with the room and I just might have to get her pregnant and wife her cause she is God sent.

"Baby in all honesty, do you think she will like me?" She asks and I just smile at her.
"One you need to relax, two I don't see a reason for her not to like you and three you are a cute little human who is adorable and likeable." I mean every single word that just left my mouth, she walks towards me kissing me and fishing her phone out her back pocket. She texts for a while before she turns her attention back to me saying that Serenity will be coming. I need to start getting ready cause I need to ho check up on Nique, tell her about Mama D coming in town and how her presence is needed.
"Baby I have to shower and head out to check up on Nique and possibly take her to the airport with me cause she barely comes out nowadays," I say and she just smiles at me, something about her smile makes me want to always make her smile. I just hope Mama D doesn't slap my ass in the middle of the airport.

After a long shower and grooming, I look for comfortable clothes to put on and head out since I will be driving a whole 45minutes to get to Nique's place then I take another good minute convincing her to come with me to the airport. I face time Laurea to let her know of today's plans and cause I need her help in reaching Darnell's and Phoenix.
"Hello sis, how are you?" I ask immediately she answers.
"Hello to, am good trying to deal with this two and their stupidity," she says laughing and turning the camera to Darnella and Phoenix.
"Ooh thank the heavens, so you guys should get ready in the next hour or so and start heading to my crib," I say not wanting to spill more details.
"Aye, what are we going to do there?" Darnella asks with Laurea on her laps.
"Must you always try to be nasty,*laughs*well just be there in the next two hours and in your best behaviour," I say ending the call before the nag me to tell them more. Am currently outside Nique's house..let's just hope things go right with her.

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