Chapter 8

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Phoenix POV
Remember my ass laughing at Darnella cause she was intimidated by Nel? well guess who is TERRIFIED??? if you guessed me then you are right. This woman just changes from one mood to another without even struggling and to think my homeboy is falling in love with her. Ro ass is just relaxed yet worried while Serenity and Kimberly try to make us something to wear down, Laurea is sleeping due to crying so much. It's been hours since Nel went out and no sign of her coming back today, Nique is starting to get worried over a person that can handle her business without needing help.

How in Gods name am I going to sleep comfortably ever again, okay I know you are wondering why am talking like this yet I have been living a risky life, well a nigga has never seen a person with such characters so just excuse a nigga, please. How are we supposed to know that she is not a lunatic that has good looks and charms...argh look at me now having all these thoughts just by seeing her eye colour change a couple of shades dark, what if I see her in action...NO!NO! not even in my dreams am I planning to see her in action.
"Aye bro are you okay, you have been starting into that wall for a while now?" Nique inquires, so you wanna know if am okay, sure I will tell you nothing but the naked truth.

"Of course not, am terrified of Nel now, then Andreas and Jenna are missing, Laurea is in a bad state," I say to Nique and she just taps my shoulder then looks at Ro to say something.
"Chill out bro, Nel will not and will never hurt any of you if you don't do her dirty that is, for Andreas lets just pray he turns up soon or we will be seeing Dāku Enjeru till they show up," Ro says.
"You want to mean that we are going to see the Nel that left here hours ago and not the Nel we first met?" I ask and this nigga just nods his head.
"Ro if you don't mind, how are we supposed to act around her now?" Darnella asks what I was about to ask.
"Just act normal around her if she comes back here when in that state she stays away from people till she solves whatever situation that made her come out so you cool guys," Ro says before his phone rings. What's up with these people and changing personalities??
"Salut maman" he answers her phone saying, I presume he is talking to mama D...God helps us cause if the woman lands here and finds two of her kids missing I wouldn't want to know how she gonna act.
"Bonjour mon fils" I hear mama D saying with so much enthusiasm that you wouldn't know she can fuck you up in no time.
"Comment vont mes enfants?" mama D says through the phone.
" maman nous sommes bons et chez des aims, et vous?"Ro asks his mother.
"Je vais bien, est ma fille?" Mama D asks.
"Maman Nel dort et je ne la rèveille pas," Ro says.
"Et pourquoi pas Roman?" Mama D asks sounding serious, in all honesty, I just like their conversation even though am not getting everything they are saying.
"Maman la dernière fois, j'ai failli perde deux dents à cause de son coup de poing et tu veux que je la réveille?"  Ro asks.
"Elle me manque juste Roman." Mama D states.
"Ok, maman laisse moi avoi  Laurea ou Serenity pour que is peuvent dire Vous Salut Parce Que Je me la réveille pas." Ro says then drops her phone on the chair before walking off in search of Laurea or Serenity and I just hear mama D shout through the phone."I KNOW THIS BOY DID NOT JUST LEAVE ME TALKING TO MYSELF." Woah I swear this person have issues. Ro walks in with a sleepy Laurea and hands her his phone. I just hope Laurea plays it cool cause am not yet ready to meet this woman, okay am ready but not under situations like this.
"Mama D, I miss you very much, how are you?" Laurea says through the phone before changing it to face time.
"So you gonna miss this old woman and not even text or call huh?" Mama D says I should admit that she is pretty.
"Mama you are not that old you know," Laurea says to her making her laugh while Ro is pacing the floor in front of Laurea. This woman makes Laurea happy on G and Ro is currently stressed.
"I just heard you are at a friends house right now, so whose house is it?" Mama D asks Laurea and Laurea smiles at her before answering.
"Mama, so we met new people and made friends since you always nag us about making new friends outside the circle *laughs*ooh and to answer you we are at Niques' place and her two best friends are around." She says to mama D.
"So you guys do listen to me I see*laughs*and how are they, can I see them?" She asks and Laurea looks at Ro who just stares at her.
"Mama is sure you will like them, they are chill people but lemme ask them if they wanna say hello to you cause they already know you from stories we tell them," Laurea says and looks around in search of the rest while mama D is just silent.
"Mama they are coming." She says smiling.
"Okay baby girl and please stop shouting*laughs*where is my other boy at anyway I haven't heard from him in a long while." Mama D asks referring to Andreas and Laurea just looks at Ro for an answer and Ro mouths her to think of something and she just nods her head.
"Mama you know how your boy is, he is probably out there looking for some girl to lay," Laurea says then adds, "they are here mama". Just how free are these people with Mama D??
"Now that boy gonna catch something someday and I whoop his ass that I promise...oh my, aren't y'all cute!" She just finished saying making all of us laughing and Nique reply to her.
"Thank you, ma'am, you look fabulous too." Mmh she always has ways with people and I always wonder how she achieves that.
"Well thank you, may I get your names to please?" Mama D says.
"Am Anique Santiago ma'am and with me are my best friend's Darnella Erickson and Phoenix Michaelson,"  Nique says point to us respectively.
"So which among you is interested in my daughter Nel?" Mama D asks, this woman is always straight to the point. She just shocked us all including Ro.
"Mamma! really?" Ro asks before laughing.
"What? you know how I get about my girl right? so allow me to do this please." She answers and just like that Ro leaves the room cracking up.
"That would be me, ma'am," Nique says to smile and mama D returns one genuinely.
"Ooh boy, she got taste look good." Mama D says making Nique blush..Y'all Nique just BLUSHED!
"Thank you once again, ma'am,"  Nique says.
"Ooh it's okay and please call me Mama D," She says and we all nod before she adds, "what of Laurea?"
"Ma! are you doing this right now?" Laurea asks before blushing and hiding her face in her hands.
"Ooh hush girl, I ain't trynna get another Christiana in my family." Mama D answers with a straight face.
"Mama D that would be me," Darnells says cheesing hella hard while Laurea's face is like a tomato
"So y'all gonna be this cute and not want me knowing huh!" Mama D says before adding, "I presume you are for Serenity?" she refers to me.
"Yes ma'am," I say smiling and she smiles back at me.
"So when am I meeting y'all officially and have a one on one talk with you?" She says still smiling but we serious all the same.
"We gonna surprise you, ma'am," Darnella says smiling and mama D nods her head.
"Kindly keep these brats of mine in check." She says laughing.
"Ro mama D just called us brats." Laurea shouts making us laugh.
"We catch mama," I say then we head out the living room leaving Laurea still talking to mama D but shortly after she comes after us and just jumps on Darnella's back. Ro is always in the kitchen if not sleeping or playing video games.
"Aye, why don't you just start up a hotel?" I ask him.
"That was the plan since day one but shit keeps happening plus I don't know shit about managing a hotel," Ro says.
"Come on, let's just set one up first and watch the rest just fall in place," Darnella says making Nique, Laurea and I nod our heads.
"Imma have to think about when all this dilemma of Andreas and Jenna is over and done with," Ro says and my mind goes back to mama D, I just hope she likes us already.
"Your mama really cares for y'all and you kinder look-alike ooh that smile is from her definitely," Nique says opening the snack cabinet taking out a box of Oreo.
"Ooh she is caring and scary at the same time and thank you for the compliment," Ro says then adds," she does act a lot like Nel."Ooh God
"Speaking of Nel, is she okay, is she coming back here or did she go to her place already," Nique asks sounding more worried again.
"Just relax, for now, Nel can handle herself real good, she might not be okay now but she will be once she finds Andreas or knows what happened to them," Ro says, please let this end soon.
"But what if she needs our help maybe she is stuck somewhere and has no way to get to us?" Nique asks again, my nigga got attached to Nel. Ro is trying to maintain a cool face but deep down I know this nigga is stressed out.
"Nique calm down, she might turn up with some bruises here and there but she will be okay cause she would have gotten her answers," Ro says, just how good is this woman at handling her business??
"Aye, we can still help her out you know..." Darnella suggests and I think not, this nigga can be slow sometimes, Ro just finished telling us not to worry and this nigga wasn't even paying attention.
"Bro, Ro just said we should keep calm for now cause Nel can handle hers real good plus don't you think if she needed help she would have asked by now?" I say and start to think about what if she needs our help and has no way to reach to us.
"Guys stop getting worried or y'all will get Ro to also snap, Nel is going to bring them back dead or alive so y'all should have faith in her," Laurea says still on Darnella's back and alas in walks Serenity and Kimberly giggling.

"Serenity where was you two at?" Laurea asks them as soon as she sets her eyes on them.
"And how does that concern you?" Serenity answers with a question with a clear attitude evident in her voice.
"Ooh please don't get feisty with me now, I just wanted to know cause we just spoke with mama D.," Laurea asks and goes back to playing with Darnella's hair, Nique, on the other hand, is trying to keep her self from showing how low she is, where did the attitude come from though?
"Look Serenity, am getting sick and tired of your bullshit, the stupid ideas that you feeding yourself should stop. You better not come at me with all this or Imma put you in your place." Ro says irritated with Serenity.
"Ro you don't have to do that, am cool with all the attitude she wanna throw my way," Laurea says hoping of Darnella's back and leaving the kitchen.
In as much as I want to take Serenity's side, I can't cause she is wrong for catching an attitude for a person that hasn't even wronged her.
"Baby girl you know you are wrong for whatever you just did and you don't even feel remorseful for it," I say then shake my head taking an apple.
"Well excuse me for being me." Serenity says and I just leave the kitchen with my fruit cause this girl is just dumb, Darnella and Nique then follow suit. It wasn't long before we heard yelling from Ro.
"YOU KNOW YOU ARE GETTING ON MY NERVES, WHATEVER SITUATION YOU ARE IN YOU CAUSED IT YOURSELF RIGHT?SO FUCKING DEAL WITH IT AND THE FACT THAT YOU WANNA CATCH AN ATTITUDE FOR PEOPLE THAT ARE TRYING TO HELP YOUR DUMB SELF PROVES TO ME HOW YOU WILL NEVER BE GRATEFUL TO ANYBODY AND I PITY YOU...JUST TO MAKE IT CLEAR TO YOU, YOU NEED TO STAY OUT OF MY WAY FROM HENCEFORTH." Woah Ro is done dealing with Serenity and he sounds serious about it. He walks out the kitchen picking one of the keys from the wood we usually hung them and announces he is leaving. Please keep himself or Serenity gonna get it from Nel.

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