Chapter 6

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         Darnella POV
Yes your home boii just got a point of view,i can choose to get cheesy but its too early for that so imma play cool for now. Anyways am Darnella Erickson, bet you didn't expect me having a black name at all but i must tell y'all i love my surname a lot. Being Niques' friend you can imagine the kind of business i major in, ooh am 23 years and lets just say am the most responsible one among our trio and most definitely the talkative one. Growing up in the streets taught me well and yes to my knowledge am an orphan at least that's what i think and Phoenix is my cousin to.

Surprised i see, it wasn't easy growing in the streets and going for days without food till we met someone who took us off the streets, cleaned us up , put us through school and even sheltered us without knowing u. Thing is we never seen his face through out the years we been living with him and even helped him run small errands here and there. I cant say he took us off the streets to work for him cause he refused when we offered to continue running the errands for him and told us "this line of business is dangerous  for you two." That's how much he cared for us  .

We lacked nothing after he took us in, he made sure we went through school and graduated with degrees before he could release us to do whatever we want but trust me if he hears anything stupid about us he will not hesitate to punish us with no regrets. We are very great full to him for helping us out the streets and gave us some living, during one of the errands we were running for him is when we met with Nique  and lets just say we immediately clicked  and even introduced her to our 'adoptive father' that will work for now.

Before i go on rumbling about our lives and leave nothing for Phoenix to say, lets just change the subject and see how all this works. Lemme just say i kinder like Laurea but this girl is dating some bum ass stud called Christina who is definitely cheating on her. Being me , I'm going to get her cause from the story she told me last night, i need to make her happy and stress free. Aye a nigga got to do what a nigga got to do. We just sitting here chilling when I get a text from our 'pops'house manager informing me that the old man is in the hospital. The pain i got from that text is beyond explaining .

How on earth am i going to tell Phoenix that 'pops' is admitted in a hospital, they had a wonderful bond you'd think they are truly related. So today is just gonna be sad news after sad news aight aight, who is next...i we can just end this right now.
"Babe whats up, you just got a text and you just worried after." Laurea asks, actually i can get used to her calling me that cause it sounds really good coming from her.
"Its nothing that i cant handle mamas, please keep calling me babe cause from now on am babe and not Darnella to you." I say making her laugh.
"You got mad jokes there baby." Laurea says still laughing.
"You do realise i didn't laugh mamas, Phoenix tell baby girl here i don't claim what is not mine." I say facing her.
"Laurea, Darnella here doesn't say what she doesn't mean and she definitely don't let anyone in her space like she did with you without knowing you that much." Phoenix says then winks at her.

"Wow so you guys just gonna claim each other and my ass is seated here with no one claiming me, am actually hurt." Serenity says out of the blues .
"That was very random Serenity, you actually don't talk that much." Jenna says then adds, "but why ain't no one claim us?"
"You know you are mines from now on don't you Jenna?" Andreas asks
"Yeey  i just got claimed, yes daddy am all yours." Jenna says making us laugh.
"Now two of us ain't claimed yet, but trust me Phoenix you going no where with your fine self, so you are mine." Serenity says then sits on Phoenix. Okay what's the deal today, from bad news day to claiming day.
"Ro you just won yourself a fine ass shwaty ." Laurea says then puts her head on my shoulder. It ain't never that serious with this niggas but if shwaty thinks she is going anywhere then she got another thing coming .
"Kimberly here knows she ain't going anywhere." Ro says putting his arms around her securing her.

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