Chapter 10

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Mama D POV
One thing i don't joke with is my children,my kids and now that two of them are missing is high time i come out of my comfort zone,this girl called Serenity...this girl really doesn't know true meaning of friendship. How can she get jealous or catch an attitude cause someone is comforting one of her friends and she just decides to run her stupid mouth and for what?ATTENTION?MOTHERFUCKING ATTENTION?? I gotta straighten her once and for all. Roman better not keep me waiting at this airport or else he is gonna get it from me.

Its not sinking in that this kids actually waited for two whole weeks to tell me what is going on,I bet they wouldn't mention anything if i didn't threaten their asses. May the universe goddess watch over them for me. Its been twenty minutes since i landed and this boy isn't nowhere to be seen. The weather around here is always bothering me and to top it up this boy is not yet here,I just hope he has a good reason why he kept me waiting this long.

"Mama,am sorry am late."Ro shouts from across the waiting room.
"Hush,you know I should be whooping your ass right now but I won't,now take me out of here before I change and just slap you."I say to him and he just picks up the bags and walk race to the car without another word.This kid is out here balling and driving in a mate black G Wagon,now I cant help it but be proud and love him cause bwouy does he have good taste  in everything except for this one time this fool i call son fell in love with a thot then there is Nel who got her heart broken by a jerk.

In all honesty i wasn't expecting Roman to bring company with him but a nigga brought Nique with him and i must say she does look horrible.Nel better come and cuff this woman or imma have to cuff them myself,one can tell she is here physically but mentally she is anywhere but here.
"Nique,how are you?" I ask as i settle in the passengers sit.
"Am holding up,how are you ma'am?"she asks all polite.
"Am great,about to go whooping some ass but please call me MamaD"
"Mama,you just got here and you want to go around whooping people?"Ro asks
"Hush now,one I came on business basis so don't even go there."
"Mama D please spares us for at least 12hours."Nique says laughing.
"Now that is the face i want to see from you baby." I say to Nique and she just nods her head then I add,"Am also hungry and need some real food."
"Definitely are the older version of Nel."Nique says making Ro nod his head and i just smile at both of them.
"Where would you like to eat mum?"Roman asks looking at me for a second then back to the road.
"Anywhere as long as the food is gooooood"I say then his face lights up,cause this nigga likes eating.
"Ro,how about we take her at that restaurant we once visited that is a few blocks from the park,its also along the way to your place."Nique says.
"Uumm...The Aquavani Place,do yo think she will like it?"Roman asks Nique. This people are holding a conversation about me while am seated here looking at them.
"She gonna like the place am sure."Nique says smiling.
"So y'all gonna have a full blown conversation about me while am seated here?"i ask them and they just laugh.
Twenty minutes of driving around,we stop at this restaurant and let me just say that Nique practically jumped out of the care before it could even stop. I just hope that this food is great as they say or am going to have their asses slaving around the kitchen making different foods for me.I presume you already know its hard to impress mama D.
"Aye,why are y'all leaving an old woman behind?"I say and they turn around looking at me before my stupid son speaks.
"Ma,i thought you are not old cause you keep swearing up and down that you aren't ready to be called nana."Roman says.
"Well am old right now,you better wait for me."i say and Nique laughs before saying...
"Mama D,you are not old yet but imma wait for you."she says then continues to laugh.This idiots are going to make me go mad some day. We enter the restaurant and look for a place to seat cause this place is packed.As soon as we sat down,this waitress came our way our way with a note pad and pen in her hands.
"Welcome to Acquavani place,i am Iliana and will be your attendant for today,what would you like to have ?"she asked.
"I would like sprite with light Ice please."Nique says then looks at Roman.
"And we would like apple juice and a mango smoothie."Roman says.
"Will that be all?"Iliana asks
"Yes thats all for now." I say as i look at this two with me.
"Okay,will be right back with your drinks."with that she leaves. This place is good so far and i think imma be visiting this place whenever am around.Now that we are left alone,i'm about to squeeze them details out of this people or so God help me. This woman called Nique has something interesting pinned to her and am bound to find out with or without her consent.

Its a short one but its something 😂💔

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