Chapter 7

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         Serenity POV
Finally...finally I get a point of view, I just hope you will like some more cause am not all bad I promise. Remember the talk I had with Laurea the other day, yes that talk helped me a lot I wonder why I used to dislike her a lot plus the outing did me good cause I found me a fine ass stud. Its been two hours since Nel, my baby, Nique and Darnella went to the study room and they are yet to come out. I can guess why Nel asked to talk to them privately cause we were once good friends so I know a few things about her and when she does that, it's either something is about to go wrong or they just wanna leave everybody in dark about their discussion.

Am thankful that she hasn't shut me out her life completely or should I add yet, but if she does that I will understand.
"Hey, I was wondering if you could help me with my hair please,"  Kimberly asks and let's just say this is the first time I hear her talk since last night.
" Sure thing but why don't you talk much, like I just heard your voice for the first time," I ask her trying to make a friend.
"I will be honest with you, I get really tense around people am not used to plus your friends are intimidating," Kimberly says.
"I know they are intimidating but they are cool people once you get comfortable around them plus you are already part of us cause you won yourself a cute ass man," I say and she just smiles.

"I believe I should know you some better since you look like a fun individual to be around," Kimberly says then sits between my legs so I can gain access to her hair.
"I presume you already know my name, am a 21year girl who loves partying, modelling, a little bit of romping and baby pink is my favourite colour," I say
"Kimberly McAdams just 20yearsdance from time to time, since am from the hood am into Street business, I also believe I can sing and my favourite colour is black not forgetting am an Orphan leaving only me in this world," Kimberly the fuck do you just tell people you are into street business??
"Does Ro know what you do for a living?" I ask her.
"I will tell him once his mind is off whatever it Is that is bothering him plus I already like him to keep him in the dark about my life," Kimberly says then we see Nique and my baby come from the study room cracking up.

This girl is every word and I mean every word you can think of to mean cute, the full plump lips, the strong jawline, the height ooh her voice is just so desirable. I could go on and on about her and never finish. Kimberly was talking about something and I wasn't even paying attention since I was stuck in looking at Phoenix's lips move as she was talking to Nique, please Lord let me not mess up things with this one, please.
"Serenity are you even listening to me?" Kimberly asks me nagging me as I break from looking at Phoenix
"Sorry I got distracted looking at Phoenix and how she just looks good without even trying, what were you saying again?" I ask being honest.
"I was asking if you could tell me more about Ro if you don't mind," Kimberly says.
"Ooh Ro...his full name is Roman, a 24-year-old man who loves him, mama, sister Nel and his weed. He is a keeper, caring, loving and most of all trustworthy, he also loves travelling, skating and his favourite colour is blue." I say not wanting to revile vital information about him.
"Wait did you just say Ro and Nel are siblings?" Kimberly asks looking shocked.
"Yes I said Nel is his sister, well they are not blood-related but Mama D who is Roman's mum loves Nel a lot that everybody assumes they are siblings," I say still shocking Kimberly.
"So being in good terms with Nel will win me points with him and his mama cause she is important to them from what you just said," Kimberly says.
"Something like that, but Ro is a good person if you don't cross him plus if you treat everybody dear to him with love and respect then you are good," I tell Kimberly hoping that she doesn't mess with Ro cause Nel gonna body her whether in street business or not.
"That's no problem for me cause am planning to keep him, what about Mama D?" Kimberly asks interested in Ro.

"What exactly do you wanna know about Mama D?" I ask too curious trying not to put her in harm's way with anything or any way.
"Like what she loves, what makes her upset anything you can tell me about her," Kimberly says I think this is my time to shut my mouth and leave the rest for Ro to tell.
"About his mum, I think it's wise you ask him about that don't you think," I say wanting to end the conversation. I swear I didn't see Nel and Darnella come from the study room and when I just look up from Kimberly's hair I see Phoenix and Nel looking at me talking.

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