chapter 1

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        Nel pov

Being a young adult, balancing school and work ain't easy yoh...a nigga is always tired mahn. Been working my butt hella hard knowing it's not necessary for the long run. Here I am thinking of the events that went down today when my phone buzz indicating I have messages flowing in. My homies always blowing someone's phone, they cant shut they mouths for whatever reason. I think  that while checking what they are talking about

    Group chat
Roman[Ro], Serenity[S], Andreas[A], Laurea[L], Nel[N]

Ro:yoh guys there is a party going down at club Aloha tonight, yall going or nuh?

A: ain't no way am passing the chance of coming home with a first-class hoe and getting in them imma go with you

S: nigga you always in somebody's guts and you gonna catch something one of this fine days, anyways Ro you picking me up

N: cant a nigga rest a day without you making noise, anyways Laurea imma need you to slide ASAP and for the party count me out. I need to rest my ass for a day or two

L: right away@Nel, if she is not hitting the club so am I, you guys know that I will be bored without her ass out there

Ro: nigga there is no way the crew is going and your ass is staying at home if I have to drag your ass to the club then imma do so

S: ooh  I second Ro on this one, be ready by the time we get there

L: if you guys manage to convince her then come get me to.

N: baby girl calm your titties, I still ain't going to no party, you can come through today...oh Ro thanks for the offer but imma pass

A:woah, guys if she says  she is tired then allow her rest please don't push it

N: is it just me or has Andreas gotten wise...don't come for my head hommie its all love and ooh remember to have fun y'all

I had some stuff to do before Laurea could get here. Boy did I clean this house, I didn't even realize how this house was big for one person until today. I finally did my hygiene and waited for  Laurea to come. I swear this girl goes around carrying this round, wobbly soft booty like its no crime, technically its no crime but damn.

An hour later of thinking about Laureas ass and how her pussy could taste, several positions I'd bend her while hitting it is when the doorbell goes off. My mood lit up knowing it was her at the door so my ass bolted downstairs like I was the female version of Usain Bolt. 'If I fall and break my neck, what would I tell Ro and the rest .' I laugh at my thoughts as I open the door only for my jaw to drop to the ground. It was literally at the ground, shwaty was looking like a three-course meal.

'Hola baby' Laurea says with a huge smile planted on her face while a nigga was still drooling over this fine art in front of her. Damn.
'Are you gonna let me in papi😈'mahn this girl trynna ride my D I see...I see you Laurea. I finally let her in after taking in every detail on her body and undressing her with my eyes. At this rate, my brains need some cleansing cause the thoughts I am having... I laugh a little to my self before locking the door.

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