11- First Day jitters

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7:21 am


My shoes clung and echoed across the quiet hall


Is anyone looking

I try to hang my head down, but the head brings me down with it. I get up

This uniform is kinda tight.

What the hell is wrong with me?

I walk in to the classroom. There's only two other people there. Vivian. And... who?

Oh. It's her. How nice?

I sit down at the back desk and look at my phone.

7:32 am

There's more people. Are they looking at me? I don't think so. Good

I've never been this way before. I used to be so friendly. I can't help but feel weird.

I could tell this wasn't a normal school. No colorful educational posters on the wall. No "Welcome Back" or "Happy first day back"s written on boards. One thing was somewhat the same though. People were talking to each other. The room had such a warm atmosphere and yet I'm here alone. Alone with nothing but my thoughts to keep me company as I wait for the teacher to come in. And right now, the thoughts were not so pleasant.

The class goes by faster than I thought, I grab the remote that controls my head and press the buttons to show a ( .•́ _ʖ •̀.) face (I made them myself) Just to try them out. Vivian turns and asks me what's wrong. I don't say anything. She shrugs. And with that the bell rings.
The rest of the day is super slow. We do the typical first day of school things. Get to know you games, Reading the syllabus, etc. it's gets boring when it's every class and they're games you've done in middle school, and you can't even participate BECAUSE YOU CANT FUCKING TALK- Okay,I'm calm. Anyways, after school The girl from the other night walks towards me. She waves. I wave back.

"Hey Al, can I call you Al?" She says

I write "no" on my notepad

"Okay." She says,slightly disappointed.

I walk back to my dorm and Vivian is there.

Almost as if she was waiting for me. Where have I seen this before?


Sense of humor?

"Hey." I yell through the tv. I wanted it to be loud enough for it to sound like a normal speaking voice. Instead it echoed.

That's the thing with this, I never fully tested it. I hate this thing. I'm proud of it, but I despise it. It's a hassle to get on and off. But it's kinda nice.

"Hey dude. No need to yell" she said while laughing
"By the way, me and a couple of my friends are gonna go to the mall later,wanna come?"

I shrugged, it was a "sure" shrug not a "i dont know" shrug

"So it's a yes?"

I gave a thumbs up.

"Great! It won't be for a couple hours so you'll have time to get ready."

I walk into my room and shut the door.


A loud knock on my door makes me jump,almost bringing me and the tv head to the ground.

"Sorry if I scared you,I just forgot to get your number."

I write my number on the notepad

"Thanks dude! See ya!"

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