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Allistars POV

Its been about 8 months since I left home and started attending Creature Academy. And if I'm being honest, it's kind of bittersweet. I miss being home. But I was so alone there. I had nobody. I mean up until my parents died they were all I had other than my siblings. But I have no idea what happened to any of them.

Aaron is the sibling I got my last name from. We're all biologically related but me and my older sister Azalea had the last name Carter until I changed mine to my brothers last name, which he got from my mothers ex husband, me and Azalea are both biologically related to our (now deceased) father Matthew Carter. Remember a while ago when I said I wanted to change everything about my past self? Well,the name Carter was one of those things. If I was called by that name it'd remind me of everything that happened that night. Even if I think about it almost all the time, I don't want more time added onto that.

My brother left around 3 years ago and to this day nobody knows where he went. Not me, my sister, or any of his friends. I think he had the same reasons as me. Not wanting to remember anything about a life that was physically and emotionally draining. He left me a note that read

"Dear A*****,

I'm leaving Kryion forever, I've realized I can't stay here anymore while being treated like a threat to everyone around me. I've never liked being here. It breaks my heart to leave you all and not tell you where I'm going. I'll miss you all.

Ps: you were always my favorite sister.


Since that day I've never stopped missing him. But I was able to take a piece of him with me when I left home by taking his last name. I hope he's doing okay. I'd be surprised if he hasn't died yet. Obviously I'm kidding. I'm sure he's doing well for himself. Probably running a business like he always dreamed to do. I still don't know why he went with that. It seems hard.

But my sister on the other hand...

I hope she's alive. She never left with Aaron. I had got back from school that day to find my parents lying dead on the floor with that disgusting human standing over them. But Azalea wasn't there. I looked all over the house, outside, everywhere I thought she could be and she wasn't there. She was probably able to get away before she was attacked by the human. But the thought that she wasn't is always in the back of my mind. If anything she might've found Aaron. She was always looking for him online, but nothing came up. We tried texting and calling him but it always said that the number didn't exist anymore.

I miss them both. I want them back. They were the only ones that would've been there for me. The ones I could tell everything and now. I have Vivian and Matilda but they're not the same. Not like Aaron and Azalea. We had that special bond that couldn't be broken. Until now. I'm just a bit sour. I see people with their siblings and I want what they have. Hell, Vivian has four siblings that still talk to her and I have nobody. How is that fair? It can't be. Why is it that everyone else around me has family and I don't. It's not fair!

But there's nothing I can do to change that. If I could I would have already. I cant talk to my friends about what happened all those times. They would think I'm weak. I cant feel sorry for myself. I mean, I'm not the one who died. I don't even deserve to be here. Not at this academy. There's so many monsters that would be so happy to have my spot here. Just the dumb human who's parents died because I couldn't get home in time to stop it. I've spent all this time wondering. If I hadn't hung around school and got home earlier I could've prevented it. It's my fault they died, it's my fault my sister and brother left. I could've stopped it but I didn't.

Dumb little me. Dumb little fucking Amelia.

But I need to stop feeling sorry about it. I know there was nothing I could've done. I didn't know it was going to happen. I mean, nobody could've. It's not my fault that there's people that will kill innocent monsters and get away with it. They can do that because everyone sees monsters as a threat to humans. It's the other way around. And the vicious cycle of killing is gonna keep happening because nobody will do anything about it. My parents never did anything to deserve being killed. And none of the other monsters that have feel victim to t.a.o.m.h didn't either. They just existed as monsters causing no harm but still. The bitches wanna kill just for fun. With no rhyme or reason. God, I wish I could kill them all with no consequences. I'd to it too. They all deserve it. All the people who've attacked or killed monsters need a taste of their own medicine. They need to see the shit they've been doing is horrible and unjust. I wish it was possible. A human killing another human is bad, a monster killing a human is god awful and disgusting, but a human killing a monster is completely okay? Even as a human I can't see that. I'd ask Matilda and she'd say the same exact thing.

Loss is a hard thing to handle. You never truly get over it. All you can do is try to make the aftermath a little less painful. So you can at least attempt to move on with your life. That's what I'm doing and so far I'm doing a pretty good job.

I think I'm gonna be okay. I've made it this far after all right?

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