Chapter 14

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The Family has been out of lockdown mode for a week now. There has been no other incidents and there hasn't been any clues left by Ferro either. My arm has been healing well, and thanks to Nico no one knows how close I was to being killed that night.
I awoke in my bed with my arm bandaged and resting on top of a pile of pillows. My free arm was holding hands with Nico who slept on the chair pulled up to my bedside. I tried to wiggle my hand out of his, but his larger hand tightened. I thought he might be waking up, but he still seemed fast asleep. I try moving my other arm instead, but it was no use. Instead I accidentally let out a small yelp from the pain that shot up my arm. Nico's head snapped up and looked at me with large concerned blue eyes.

"Daniella? What's wrong?"

He quickly asked. I simply look at him and smile. He is so worried about me. I've honestly done nothing to deserve him, so why does he care about someone like me? I mean, after all, he doesn't even like the mafia and I am the mafia. He makes me wonder if...

"Daniella? Are you okay?"

He asks again.

"Yes, I'm fine."

"You're awfully smiley for someone who was just shot."

He chuckles looking down at our hands. Despite his dry humor, Nico's eyes begin to water.

"Well, I'm alive aren't I? Thanks to you."

His eyes look back up into mine.

"I was scared I was going to lose you."

I take my hand out from his and touch his cheek.

"You'll never lose me, Nicholas."

His hand recovers mine on his warm stubbled cheek. The bedroom door opened and I pulled my hand out from under his.


Lance cried out running to my bed as Christiano followed behind. Nico sighed and leaned back into the chair. Lance carefully got into bed with me and wrapped his slender arm around my waist.

"Hey, kiddo."

I smile. Lance laid his blonde head on my chest and his little voice said

"I wanted to see you all week, but Zio said no."

"Careful with Zia's arm, Lance."

Christiano warned.

"Is that where you got hurt, Zia?"

He asked pointing his small finger at my left arm.

"Yeah, but it's okay."

"I'm going to grow up and be strong so no one ever hurts my Zia again, okay Dani?"

"Alright, Lance, that's enough. Dani's tired, so let's let her rest."

Christiano says lifting Lance up and down from the bed.

"I know you'll be strong, babe."

I tell Lance with a smile. Lance is technically my heir now so his strive to protect his family makes me proud. They leave the room and I am left alone with Nico again.

"You really love him, don't you?"

"Who, Christiano?"

"No, Lance."

"Of course, he's my godson and heir. He has his mother's intelligence and, even though he's small, he has his father's strength."

"Heir? What about your future kids?"

"Future kids?"

I laugh.

"I wasn't planning on future kids."

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