Chapter 2

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I sat in the back seat of the black BMW as one of my most trusted men, Vinny, dropped me off close to the Valentino's building.

"Be safe in there, boss."

He warned as I slide out of the car.

"I always am, Vin."

And with that the car drove away and I walked in the shadows to the Valentino building. I unlocked the back door with the code Carlo sent me and quietly shut the door behind me. The room I was in looked like a storage room, but I found the stairs to the basement where the vault was hidden in. I took my steps slowly as I went down trying not to make too much noise on the metal stairs. After searching the vault room, did a thumbs up into the security camera then crouched behind several boxes to wait for the thief.

What felt like 2 hours later, my legs were killing me and I was about to stand when I heard steps coming down the stairs. Getting back into position, my hand hovered over my gun ready to draw it. A young man wearing a New York Yankees SnapBack and aviator sunglasses calmly walked to the metal vault and easily opened it. As the bolts unlocked, I jumped up with my gun pointed at his head.

"Yo shit brain!"

I called out as he freezes and turned to face me and my silver bullets.

"Woah, lady, calm down."

I walked towards him keeping my aim until my gun touched his forehead.

"Take off your hat."

He took off the hat then ran his fingers through his black pompadour hair.

"Your glasses, too."

I ordered.

"Yes, ma'm."

He pulled off his sunglasses exposing his dark blue eyes.

"Now sit on the floor while I make a phone call."

He sat down as I called Vinny in one hand and pointed the gun in the other.

"Hey, Vin, I need you to come and pick me up. Oh, and make sure there is room in the trunk, I'm going to have to dump a body."

I said into my phone glancing to the security cameras now noticing that this guy must have cut the wires up stairs for it to stop working.

"Okay, I'm on my wa-"

I dropped the phone when a knife was laid over my throat by the young man. I lowered my gun in shock.

"Hiding knives in the sides of your shoes? Smart."

He grinned.

I swallowed hard trying not to say something that will anger him and make him slit my throat.

"Now this is a turn of events, isn't it 'shit brain'?"

He laughed.

"And I mean really, they sent a girl after me? That's kind of insulting."

That was going too far and I pulled on his arm that held the knife to where he flipped over my shoulder in front of me. He propped himself up only to smack back down onto the floor by a kick I forced into his stomach. I stepped on his chest with one foot and bent down to grab his chin harshly. While bending down, the man's eyes wondered to my v-neck cleavage and I slapped him then grabbed hold of his chiseled chin again.

"Daniella? Daniella Romano?"

My eyes widened as I loosened my grip.


He smiled and I stepped off from his chest.

"Wow, I haven't seen you since we were still in middle school."

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