Chapter 3

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The following morning, I woke up and everything that happened yesterday rushed back into my head.

"Damn it."

I muttered then got out of my bed.

I took a quick shower and by the time I was dressed I could hear people talking downstairs.

Down the stairs, a group of my boys were messing with Nico. As I walked past them I said

"That's Carlo's son, I wouldn't mess with him."

The men quickly stopped and dispersed.

"They were just playing around, they really are good guys."

I smiled at Nico who had on the same clothes from yesterday and looked tired and sore from sleeping on the couch.

"Good guys, huh?"

He scoffed.

I rolled my eyes.

"Hurry up and eat breakfast then shower, I have to run by the office today and I'm supossed to show you everything I do business wise. "

At the Romano Office Building~~~~~~~

I sat in my office chair as I flipped through my files.

"Bianchi, Colombo, Conti, Costa, ah, here we are... De Luna."

I said pulling out a file onto the desk.

"Who is De Luna?"

Nico asked looking up from his phone.

"You mean who was Marco De Luna. He was taken out four months ago, but someone has just informed me about something we missed in his case."

"Why did you kill him?"

"Well that's Romano business, Valentino."

I smiled.

"Can you at least tell me why you need to go back to this case?"

"There is a wittness we accidentally missed."

"A wittness?"

"Yup, but it's not a big deal. I'll just send someone to take care of it."

"As in kill them?"'

"Well duh, Nico. We wouldn't stop by to simply visit her."

"'Her'? Is she innocent?"

"Does it really matter? She's a wittness, therefore a threat."

"And you are okay with killing an innocent woman?"

"Wow, you really have been away from the Family for too long."

I said while putting the file into my purse.

"No, I'm just not as cold blooded as you."

"Aww, don't worry, that's why you are here to learn."

"F*ck you."

"With that attitude, I think I'll make you come to the witnesses' house."

I spat flicking him off walking out the door and into the elevator.

The car ride to the warehouse was awkward and silent. I signed a bill for an order of supplies such as bullets, guns, first aid kits, bulletproof vests, etc. Nicolas looked the least bit interested in what I was trying to teach him about buying in bulk.

"Are you even listening, Nicholas?"


"Then what did I just say?"

Daddy's Little GirlTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon