Chapter 9

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I released Lance and stood up with a new sense of vengeance growing from my heart and spreading throughout my body. Some guys from security and Nico stood nearby in the hallway awaiting my response.

"Get Christiano."

I ordered. A few of the security guys shifted uncomfortably. No one said anything.

"Well? What the hell are you assholes waiting for? You heard me!"

I began to yell. Nico was forced to speak up.

"Christiano is in his room. He's been in there since he brought Vinny back. I tried talking to him for orders since the leader roll would fall to him while you are away, but he wouldn't respond. He's just been sitting there."

I push past them rushing towards Christiano's room.

"Dani, I don't think that's a good idea. He just lost his brother, he's not mentally here right now."

Nicholas warns behind me. I ignore him and open the door. There Christiano sat on the floor leaning his back against the wall. I go and squat right infront of him.

"Hey, you need to get up, everything is going to hell out there."

I say softly looking at Christiano who's tired eyes were cast down. He looked terrible and I noticed that he had his gun in one of his hands. Dear God, please tell me he isn't thinking about killing himself. I began to worry more. I just lost one friend to a bullet that was meant for me, I can't handle the thought of losing another.

"Please, Christiano, I need you. I can't do this by myself."

I say trying to sound calm but my voice comes out shaky. I put one of my hands into his and the other on the gun in an attempt to slowly take it away. His hand suddenly clenched on it and he rose it up.

"He was my brother, Dani. My only family left. But he's dead now."

He cried looking into the gun's barrel with his finger on the trigger.

"Please stop! You know that's not true! You have me and Lance! You can't leave us! Lance needs his uncle and I need my best friend."

His teary eyes widened when I mentioned Lance. He poked the side of his head a couple of times with the gun before putting it down. A sigh of relief came over me and I leaned in to embrace him. His body trembled with sobs as I rocked there with him. I know how he feels. When my father died, I felt like I lost my purpose for living, too. He was why I trained so hard in the first place. It was all to impress him and earn his respect. The door creaked open and Lance's head poked around it. His large eyes blinked in confusion as he watched his big fearless Uncle Christiano sobbing into my shoulder. I offered a hand out to him, and in response he came inside and hugged onto Christiano's back while I held his small hand.

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