Chapter 12

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This morning I got the expected call from the police reporting the office break in. I played their little game and pretended to be shocked. When I went to the crime scene I even managed to squeeze out a few fake tears.

"Ms. Romano, I am so sorry that this happened."

Carter Reynolds, a police officer, said apologetically shaking his head. I sniffled into a tissue dragging out the role of the pretty victim.

"I know you are still in shock and I hate to ask this of you, but can you please come with me to see if you can identify the body of the intruder?"

I slowly nod as my mind recalls the corpse and the key. Reynolds rubs my shoulder before leading me to where they were keeping the body.

"Now, Ms. Romano, if this becomes too bloody or intense for you we can leave right away. I understand that these things can be too much for women to handle at times."

I wanted to kick this guy in his balls. I've seen my fair share of blood and gore. I manage to bite my lip and allow Officer Reynolds to continue. He pulls back the white sheet and I am genuinely taken aback. The man lying there was not the guy who jumped from the window yesterday.

"Are you alright, ma'am?"

He asks taking a step towards me. I quickly collect myself and respond.

"Yes, I'm fine."

"Did you know this man, Ms. Romano?"

"No, sir."

"Do you have any rivals of the company who might have wanted to do something like this?"

"Not that I know of, officer."

I lied. Of course I had enemies, lists of them matter a fact.

"I see. Forgive me for the questions, it's only protocol. I know a lovely young lady such as yourself wouldn't know anything about this violent crime."

He said recovering the body and walking toward me. My hand balled into a fist and it took all my power to unclench it and go through with the next part of my plan that I was honestly making up as I go.

"Oh, Officer, I am so scared! How could this happen in my building? It's just so... so..."

I cry. Reynolds put his arms around me and rubbed my back.

"I know ma'am."

"I'm sorry that I am crying like this."

"No, not at all. Is this there anything I can get you? A tissue? Maybe a glass of water?"

"A glass of water would be nice, thank you."

I say dabbing my eyes.

"You got it. I'll be back in a second."

He said before leaving. I make sure he is down the hallway before unveiling the body again. This guy is defiantly different from the man yesterday. I inspect his tattooed neck and took note that one of the tattoos is significantly less faded than the others. It must be pretty new.

The tattoo read "Velvet Club". The font was sloppy and obviously not done by a professional. I snapped a few pictures with my phone and quickly seno them over to Christiano. I carefully replaced the sheet over the unidentified man before Reynolds returned with a glass of water.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome. Now let's get out of here and we will review the insurance process."


At the estate, I was handling the insurance papers for the company building in my office when the doors swung open. Christiano seemed to be in distress, so I worriedly stood and walked over to him.

"What's wrong?"

"That body in the pictures you sent me, it's been identified."

"Okay, good, as who?"

"A new member of the family. This family."

"Are you serious? Tell me what happened."

"After you and I left the intruders body lying in the alleyway, someone must have switch the body with one of our own that they killed to send a message."

"And the message is 'velvet club'. I've got to go there tonight."

"No, Dani, isn't it obvious that it's a trap? They obviously did this knowing it would get your attention."

"And they've got my damn attention. Christiano, first they try to kill me at my godson's T-ball game, then they take Vincent and Angelina away from us, and then they also have the balls to break into my building? They have threatened my family, Christiano, and I will make them suffer."

Christiano cast his eyes down at the mention of his brother.

"Now I'm going there tonight to play their little game. It's up to you if you agree with my orders, but it's up to me what ultimately happens. And believe me, I will beat them at their own game."

I say leaving the room. Why isn't he supporting my decision to go? He's supposed to be my right-hand man, so why is he fighting me on this? Haven't they taken enough away from him to make him crave revenge? I slammed the door on my way into my bedroom. I know what I am doing. I begin to change into more flexible clothes for tonight when there's a knock on the door.

"Go away, Christiano."

The door opened and Nico walked in with a confused look on his face.

"You okay?"

"Sorry, I didn't know it was you."

"It's fine. I just wanted to know if you are hungry? I'm about to make some spaghetti if you would like some."

"Yeah, that actually sounds really good."

I smile. A quick bite to eat before heading out wouldn't hurt.

I walk into the kitchen adjusting the holsters on my sides.

"Smells amazing."

I smile to Nico who was busy stirring the pasta with one hand and texting with the other.

"Thanks. Grab two plates, please?"

I obey and take two white plates down from the cabinet along with forks.

"Who you texting?"

I asked not looking up from where I was placing the plates.

"Some girl."

He says placing the phone screen down on the counter returning to stirring the pasta. My mind flashes back to the girl who he was texting the day I went into his room. I don't really want to ask him more about it, so I just let it go. Nico brings the pot over to the table and begins to serve the spaghetti. He took his seat next to me and began to eat. We soon finished and I stood to take the plates to the sink and wash them.

"So where you going tonight?"

He asked nodding towards the guns.

"There's something I've gotta take care of."


"Yeah, I should probably get going now."

"Okay, you want me to go get Christiano? I think he's upstairs helping Lance with his homework."

"No, he's... um, actually not coming with me."

"He's not? Is that a good idea?"

"Yeah, it's fine."

"Alright. Well just call me if you need something."


I say placing the clean plates on the drying rack. I am halfway out of the kitchen when Nico says

"And Dani"


"Be careful."

I just nod and leave. I suppose it would be a good idea to have Eduardo come with me, but I would prefer him to be here taking care of the house. I'll be fine, I always am.

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