Chapter 11

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"Hey, thanks for lending it."

I say handing the gun back to Eduardo. He nods and places it back in it's holster.

"Send someone to take care of the body in my office. I don't care how you make it disappear, just remember that I don't want anyone leaving the estate."

"Right away, boss."

He said before walking back into the house while saying something into his walkie-talkie. I need to find out as much as I can about Ferro. The house is in lock down mode under my orders, so maybe I should set a good example and wait a day or two before leaving. I'll just have to do some research from home and go through some files. Wait... files! What if that bitch gave Ferro the code to get into the office buliding?! Those files have so many secrets and history within them! Even though my personal office door is locked, he can still break through if he really tried! Office security would be able to take care of it, right? Each one of them have their own gun... but then again there are only a handful of them on night duty tonight and they have no idea what is going on so they might not be as cautious as they should be. I run back inside to Christiano's room. He was rubbing Lance's back as he slept on the bed.

"We need to go."

I whisper. He nods, kisses Lance's head, then follows me out. We are walking towards the garage as I fill him in on what's been happening.

"So we are going to the office now?"

He asks as I pluck a key from a large board of hooks that car keys hung from.

"Yes. It's too risky to have those files far away from me during a crisis like this. Plus when I tried to check the surveillance cameras they wouldn't connect. Something might be up. Since we will be in the city, we should also swing by to get Ma and Aunt Bianca, too."

"Are you sure about this? I mean, the files should be okay and your family doesn't appear to be in any danger right now."

"Call me paranoid, but I just gotta have those files. It would be the end of the Romano Family if those files are leaked. And Ma and Aunt Bianca... I guess you are right. Picking them up now would be an impulse move and would put them in even more danger."

I answer opening the garage door and zipping out towards the locked gate. I stopped and rolled my window down.

"Unlock the gate."

The men looked worriedly at eachother, but neither would dare speak back to me. They opened it and I sped out.


I parked in the parking garage.

"Damn it. I forgot to reload my gun before leaving. I hope you remembered yours."

Christiano said as we got out the car.

"What kind of Romano would I be to forget the goods?"

I smirked opening the trunk to reveal a duffle bag filled with a rifle, three handguns, five granades, a silencer, and some extra bullet rounds.


He said throwing his gun into the trunk and trading it out for a rifle and a couple granades which he fastened onto his belt. I put on a double holster and put twin guns into them. We got into the elevator and took it up to the floor which my office was on. The doors opened with a ding and only some of the lights were on in the hallway. There wasn't any security guards in the lobby, which is unusual. I pointed toward the security cameras which the wires were cut. Something is very wrong.

"You check the right hall, I'll check the left."

I whisper and we cautiously go our seperate ways. When I got to the end of the hallway, I noticed a door slightly open. I took out my guns and slowly opened the door. My eyes tried to adjust to the darkness, but I couldn't see anything in the pitch dark. I fumbled around in the room trying to find the light switch when my foot got caught on something and I fell forward. I groaned and pushed myself up from the floor. I continued to pat around for the switch and when I found it I flipped it on. When the light flashed on, my eyes widened at the sight of fresh blood on my hands. I turned to see that what I tripped on was the bodies of the night watch, each with a chest peppered by bullets. Right at that moment, I hear gun shots. I run out of the room and into the hallway trying to run towards the shots. Please be okay, Christiano. When I turn the corner into the hallway that Christiano went down, I see him running towards me.

"Get out of the hall!"

He called out pulling my arm as he ran by. I ran behind him back to the lobby and I can hear shots being fired from behind us. We get behind the secretary desk for cover.

"How many?"

I ask as he reloads his gun.

"Only one. We can take him."

More bullets flew over our heads.

"Make a run for your office once I fire, got it?"

He says.


I agree. He unclips a granade and throws it down the hallway where the intruder is. After the boom, I run towards my office. I quickly type the code in the keypad and the door unlocks. I can see the glass on the wall has been shot at. Good thing we got bulletproof glass put in. I rush to the files and begin to strip out stacks of documents and shove them into a backpack. I know I can't take them all, so I take the more recent and important papers. I'm about to run out the door when I remember my computer. It's a desktop, so there is no way I can take it. I can hear Christiano still firing at the intruder. He must have dodged the granade. I'm running out of time. I grab my autographed Earle Combs Yankee bat from its display case and smashed in the computer screen. I hit it over and over again until there wasn't anyway anyone could make the machine work again. I have everything backed up onto my home computer, so I'm not losing anything. I then run out to where all the action was. I creeped around the back of the hallway which the shooter was in. He was too busy looking into the lobby where Christiano was hiding that I was able to sneak behind him from a distance. I drew my guns and took aim. When my guns clicked his heads snapped back to see me. I pulled the triggers, but he hit the floor and slid into a nearby office room. Christiano poked his head up from the desk to see what was going on. He shot up and followed me into the room the intruder was in. I held my guns at the masked man who stood with his hands up.

"Slowly put down the shotgun."

I orded. The man obeyed and laid it down on the floor. As he was slowly standing up he shot off running towards the window behind him and crashed through the glass and jumped.


I yell running towards the broken window. When I look over I can see a lifeless body laying on a bed of broken, bloody glass. He fell down 14 stories to his death. Could he have been Farro? Was that why he was so desperate to escape?


Chrisiano exclaimed.

"Do you think he was Farro?"

He asks.

"I...don't know. Probably."

We stood there for a moment in silence.

"We should probably go check his body."

I say putting my guns back in the holster.


Was all he said as he followed me back to the elevator. As we waited on it, I noticed the bullet dents on the metal doors. The office looked like a war zone now. We took the elevator all the way down to the first floor where we went to the side alley and looked at the mysterious body. His limbs were all twisted and the shards of glass stuck out of his skin. It was quite the mess. I sighed and kicked his body over so that he was on his back. I pulled off the mask to reveal a middle aged man. I began to pat down his pockets and I find a crumpled up paper with a key inside it and the office's code scribbled on it. Sirens in the distance began to wail towards the scene.

"I'll get the car."

Christiano says. I toss him the keys and he jogs back to the parking garage. I look back to the corpse.

'Who are you?'

I mutter looking for more clues on him, but that was all he had. I huff and stand up. As much as I'd like to believe this is Ferro, something is telling me that he can't be. It would have been too easy if he was Ferro. Christiano pulls the car up and I jump in. We sit in silence all the way home.

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