Chapter 5

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I lie in bed trying to sleep, but I just couldn't. I couldn't stop thinking about the look on Nico's face when he fired the gun. He looked so... hurt. I groaned and peeled off the covers.

"I need a drink."

I muttered. Going down the stairs I noticed the dinning room lights were already turned on. I peeked into the room and there sat Nicolas with a bottle of vodka and dark circles under his eyes.

"Can't sleep?"

He murmured.

I shook my head.

"Take a seat."

He said grabbing another tumbler glass from the liquor cabinet then returning to the table. He poured me a glass and pushed it my way. I watched him drain his glass before I drank mine.

"You know, Dani, I have only killed three people in my life."

I looked up to his eyes that were gazing painfully down into his glass.

"The first guy was some man who broke into our house. After my father beat the shit out of him he told me to finish him. I think I was like... 15 years old? I felt this rush of power when I killed that guy. It just felt, as weird as it sounds, natural. Second time around, I was doing a drive by past the Garcifio's warehouse and we lit up the place with everyone inside. We were hollering and waving our guns caught up in the Hollywood-like action and excitement of a scene that could have been taken straight out a movie."

He went silent after that. He just sat there and swirled around the ice in his glass.

"What was the third time?"

I softly inquired.

"It was a girl named Evelyn. You remember her?"

I nearly dropped my glass. Evelyn? But, Nicholas and her were... dating? I always figured they just broke up and she left New York.

"Surprised? Yeah, thought you might be. Care to know what happened that night?"

I cleared my throat then answered

"Go on."

"We were our way home from a Yankee's game back when we were 17. When we were walking to the car, some guys started following us. I didn't pay them no mind until they called out my name. And then they started saying some nasty things about Evelyn. At that point I turned around to face them. I told them to back off and we exchanged a few angry words. I told Evelyn to get into the car while I dealt with these punks, but the second she got to the car door a guy came out of nowhere and grabbed her. I automatically pulled out my gun, and pointed it at the man who held Evelyn. I was scared I was going to loose her, and in my 17 year old brain I didn't care to strategize, I just shot at the guy. He turned and Evelyn was shot instead... "

"I'm sorry, Nicholas. I didn't know."

"Yeah, well, what are you gonna do? She's dead. And now I have killed 4 people."

No wonder he was so hesitant about using a gun. Now I can feel the guilt begin to take over my body.

"You should really try to get some sleep."

I said softly as I put the cap back on the vodka bottle.

"Come on, I'll help you."

I said taking his arm and helping him stand up. I led him to his room as he leaned on my side. I hit the light switch with my elbow and walked him to the bed.

"You okay? You need anything before I leave?"

I asked looking at the drunk Nicholas.


He said quietly as he laid back into the bed. I was reaching over him to pull the blankets on him when he grabbed my arm.

"Stay with me?"

He asked.

"Nicholas, you are drunk. You don't know what you are saying."

"No, I know what I am saying. Sleep here tonight."

I sighed looking at him. His face looked drained of color.


I whispered turning off the lights then getting into bed beside him.

"Now, go to sleep, okay?"


He murmured.

The Following Morning~~

I woke up wrapped in Nico's arms. His black hair stuck to his forehead and his tattoo of a Greek warrior would jump occasionally when his arm would flex from his dream. I unwrapped myself from his embrace and snuck out the door carefully closing it behind me.

"What are you doing?"

Vinny asked causing me to jump a little.

"Nothing, he just had a rough night."

I said quietly rushing past him. I hope no one gets the wrong idea about Nico and I.

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