Chapter 4

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Monday morning~~~

Christiano opened my window curtains and Vinny turned on the news on the TV trying to also wake me up.

"Get up, boss."

Christiano urged pulling back my covers. I curled into a ball when the cold exposure hit my body.

"God, Dani, did you drink last night?"

Vinny asked noting my panties and bra and the makeup still on my face.

"Just a little."

I mumbled into the pillow.

Christiano patted my bare back a few times.

"C'mon, rise and shine boss."


I grumbled. He teasingly spanked me and I just flipped over in my bed.

"Now boss, you've got a busy schedule today."

Vinny was still flipping though the channels and Christiano was sitting next to me on the bed when Nico opened the door.

"Hey, Dani, I needed to--- woah, haven't you ever heard of pjs?"

Christiano swiftly covered me up and Vinny pushed Nico out if the room.

"What the hell are you trying to pull? Don't you know how to knock?!"

Vinny growled then shut the door on Nicholas's face. I rolled out of Christiano's hold and stood up from the bed.

"You boys are too protective."

I yawned and shuffled to the shower.

"Only with creeps like him."

"Oh, please. You both see me naked all the time, shouldn't it be you two who should be covering your eyes?"

I asked already scrubbing my hair with shampoo. They both looked at each other then in almost perfect unison said

"But it's us."

"Whatever. I'll be ready in just a sec, I'll meet you guys at the car."

I laughed. The door closed behind them and I continued with my shower.

~~~After Shower

I go to Nico's room to see if he is ready to leave. I knocked on the closed door.

"Come in."

He was in his pajama pants typing away on his laptop sitting on the bed.

"Hey, hurry up and get dressed so we can start our day."

"Okay, give me a second."

He said typing a few more quick clicks. I look around the already messy room. His clothes were thrown around and Chinese take out boxes littered the coffee table. I sighed and picked up the boxes and threw them in the trash. I guess he got Chinese take out after leaving Gabriel and I at that restaurant.

He then closed the laptop and stood up from the bed.

"Damn, Nicolas, you're tatt'd up."

"And bad as f*ck."

He smiled walking past me to his bathroom. I continued picking up his trash and folding his clothes.

"You have any? Tattoos I mean."

Nico called out from the bathroom.

"Of course I don't! I'm a good Catholic girl after all."

"Says the cold blooded killer."

Daddy's Little GirlDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora