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Back in jays car they both hopped in the front and jay cranked up the heating to try and get her warmed up, he phoned hank to let him know she was safe and he has her in his car, hank dismissed jay from his duties for another day to look after rose. "Hey will, I'm gonna take her back to my place, meet me there." Jay said softly trying to calm her down still even though he was talking to Will down the phone. The drive back to jays apartment was silent other than a few weak sniffles from rose.
They made it into jays apartment and will had already let himself in, "hey rose, where did you go? Are you okay?" He said worriedly. "Sorry I didn't mean to scare anyone, I was just scared" she said more like a whisper. Jay and will just looked at each other as they were about to get her to talk, until she spoke first. "I know you wanna know why I'm scared and why I ran, I'll just tell you, I'm tired of running" she said. Jay was slightly confused and will just didn't take his eyes off of her. "I've been in three previous foster families, two of them put me back into the system and one of them passed away, but my current home is a nightmare." Jay sat next to her to let her know they were there for her. "Um, so I've been with my so called mom and dad for around a year now. They were both perfect at first and I was really glad I had a place to call home, but as my time with them increased my mom would start drinking during the day to get by. I guess It was my fault I'm not sure but she went off the rails and my dad was sick of her, he would kick her out the house and become really impatient. I would just sit and listen to their arguments from the top of the stairs, most of them were about me and how much ownership they should share and adult things like that" she paused for a breath, "that carried on for a few months until my mom began seeing another man, she divorced my dad and left. She didn't leave my life however since she still was my legal guardian, so she would visit on the weekends but apart from that I was with my dad all day everyday. At the beginning I didn't mind it since I got on better with my dad but then he started to stop making me dinner and lunch, he would leave me to make my own meals as well as his. I was tired of coming home from school and going straight into cooking but I knew if I stopped he would turn out exactly like my mom." She stopped and let a tear roll down her face, the brothers were now tearing up also but they held their emotions back and let her finish.
"My mom stopped coming to visit me once my dad started coming home with random women, it was a different girl every night, I would stay cooped up in my room until they left. It was easy at first since they would come home with him at night, sleep, then leave but as he fell deeper into the addiction the girls began to stay for days at a time" she gasped for air, she was scared. "About a month ago I stopped going home after school, I couldn't stand being around the women and my dad half the time, I found this motel about 5 minutes from my dads house and I stayed there until the women left. It's not the best but its cheap, so it was fine. My dad didn't like that since he had no food on the plate to come home to, he didn't turn physically aggressive but he would start to shout when I finally turned up at the house again. So uh that's why I didn't tell you about my parents because to me, I don't have any" she finished. They brothers had a few tears coming down their cheeks as rose just stared at the floor knowing they were speechless.
"Rose, that's a tough childhood, why didn't you speak out?" Will questioned sincerely. "If I told someone I'd end up back in a youth home and I wasn't going to put myself through that again. No way" she promised them. She braced herself and breathed in deeply before she delivered some shocking news to the men sat with her. "I uh got something else to tell you both, uh, I don't know how to say it but I gotta tell youse someday" jay and will now looked scared, like their world was about to turn upside down. "I know who you guys are, I've known you guys for around 8 years, you're my brothers..." the room went silent. Jay looked at Will with the I knew it glare before he spoke out, "why didn't you say back at med rose? We could've helped", she stared down to the floor disappointed in herself but she explained. "before i was put into my first youth home, I lived with my biological mom Maria Sanchez back in LA, she told me when I was around 7 that I had two brothers called Will and jay halstead back in Chicago and my dad also lived there. She bought me a plane ticket to Chicago and said she would see me real soon, she left me at the airport and I somehow managed to board the plane. She told me before I left that I was to go to Chicago and go to the nearest hospital to tell them I was lost, she said if I ever told a single soul about her I would be dead, I was so scared from that day on, I guess I just didn't even think to find you guys". Jay pulled her into a hug and will got up to join them, they were all sharing their first hug after so long , the boys had been oblivious to the young girl sat in their arms for 15 years, yet they felt like they'd never been apart.
"Let us help you" jay said after a minute of silence. "You can't help me, my dad won't get his money if you do" she objected and sniffled, "we can get full custody of you, you'll never have to see him again. Please rose let us help you, he's not your dad." she thought for a minute at what jay was saying, "yeah okay, please help me" she said before hugging them again.

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