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You felt like you were hypnotized, unable to move whatsoever. Not in a bad way; just in a way where you never wanted this moment to end. Luckily, so far, Quirrel hadn't moved his hand away. In fact, he had even wrapped it tighter around yours, increasing your blush by a massive amount.

Sitting right next to him while this was happening made you feel not only agitated, but also warm and fuzzy on the inside. His hand making contact with yours put you into a state of bliss, and it was one that you wished lasted forever. However, you knew that you couldn't stay for long.

"Well, sadly, I have to go. Errands to run and exploring to do. Nice sitting here with you, Quirrel. I'll see you soon!" You began to stand up, but then Quirrel unexpectedly grabs your hand tightly, causing you to abruptly stop. He had a pleading look written all over him. You were able to comprehend it in seconds because you knew that kind of face; he didn't want you to leave.

"(Y/N), I-I can't believe I'm saying this right now, b-but-" He fumbled with his words, obviously trying to come up with a good way of explaining his sudden movement, "I don't want you to go. Not yet."

You look at him, with a few tears sneaking their way down your eyes, bold to run down your cheeks. You were pretty shocked to hear him say something with in a way that made him look like he was begging.

"Can I ask: w-why?" You stutter with shock. Quirrel sighs, then stands up and turns you to face him all the way. As blush creeped up to his face, he grasped both of your hands in his lovingly, filled with passion.

"Look, I have to admit; I hate parting ways with you. You are just such a wonderful person, and to me you're... special," He said, as you looked at him with eyes of gratefulness and curiosity at the same time.

"How am I more special to you than anybody else? I mean everybody's unique in their own way-" You stopped, not knowing what else to say. You allowed for him to continue, and he looked down to the right anxiously.

"This is a different kind of special, (Y/N). This is a way where I mean you're more special to me because I can trust you more than anyone. Plus, you are really funny and awkward, but I find that cute," He added with a slight chuckle. At this point, you were so flustered that he would even consider you any of those things.

"Are you saying-"

"I don't even need to say it. I think, from your heart," He points at your heart with one of his hands, and then uses the same hand to cup the side of your face, "you should already know what I'm trying to say right now."

You could see a glow in his eyes, and you gazed into him, still surprised that he was confessing that he found you to be more important to him than anybody else in the world. You sadly smiled at him; you could tell that he could easily decipher that you felt the same way for him. He stroked your cheek as you continued to redden after his confidence to confess that came out of the blue.

Without hesitation, he gently pulled you closer to him, to the point where you were barely inches away from him. A small breath came out of your mouth, unsure of what Quirrel would do next. He then quickly craned his neck to reach the midst of your ear, so you would be able to hear him whisper something quickly.

"I love you."

You slightly started stammering, completely embarrassed due to what Quirrel had just whispered truthfully in your ear. He was no liar, that's for sure. But before you could reply to him, he leaned in and closed the gap between you, locking you into a kiss that you fulfilled completely. At first, all you could was widen your eyes, but then you returned the embrace.

<<<  >>>

(Haha sorry folks, no kiss from Quirrel (:, what a letdown. Just your imagination, nothing more. ^^")

Unfortunately, it was all just a dream.

What had really happened was as soon as Quirrel placed your hand with his, you fainted due to how much shock you felt. You also had a small nosebleed. He got very worried, so he used the same cloth that was used to polish his nail to wipe off the blood.

You were very exhausted, so you didn't wake up when he tended to your minor timidity. Instead, you just flopped your head onto his shoulder, and he allowed you to sleep on him for the night.

He woke up a few hours before you, and got up from the bench, carefully placing you in a comfortable laid out position so that your body was on the entire bench, as if it was your bed.

Before he walked out to continue his adventure, he looked back at you, fast asleep, with a warm smile sprawled on his face. "You're an interesting one, (Y/N). Till we see each other again, I'm going to miss you very much."

He then tiptoed away, to not disturb you while you slumbered.

You woke up, your face feeling very warm and redder than a tomato. You puffed out a breath of relief that it wasn't actually real, because if Quirrel was here, things would be a lot more different by now. At the same time, though, you actually wished at least part of it happened, because everything about your dream felt so much like reality. Especially the kissing part.

"No, no, no, AGH! I know I love him, but I can't go that far already! I don't even know if he loves me or not." You sighed sadly to yourself, getting up from the bench. You slouched and looked down at the floor, a single teardrop falling from your face. Perhaps The City of Tears had fulfilled its purpose of making you cry, only because you weren't certain whether the one you loved liked you back.

<<<  >>>

It had been 3 days, and yet, you desperately missed Quirrel. However, you got to see some magnificent things about the capital. For example, you found the beautiful butterfly, Marissa, whose spirit was the one who sung with such a beautiful yet saddening tone. You admired her voice, and even sat near the good-smelling flowers for a few minutes to absorb the environment's peaceful elements, including her voice.

In addition, you had also seen Hornet again, but she was next to the memorial statue this time. She wasn't as afraid to speak with you this time, talking about Hallownest and its perpetuation. She also provided another detail to seek something that you didn't care for at the moment, but knew it would be significant to complete your journey.

To sum things up, you were in love with Hallownest's capital. You were also very intrigued to discover that the city was built underneath a lake! Sounds kind of dumb when you think about it, but pretty interesting at the same time.

This time, you were wandering around Crystal Peak, still looking for a place to stash away the Crystal Heart that you found a few hours ago. You were pretty drained out, but you didn't let your legs give in until after you defeated Crystal Guardian, who wasn't permitting any space for you on the nearest bench.

You continued trekking above, scanning around to see what you could find. A higher observation deck of the darkest shades of blue stood above nearby. You quickly ascended to see what you would be able to get a better view of from the distance. 

You literally dropped your nail, letting it make a loud "thud" on the solid floor beneath your feet. As the figure up top turned its head back, you could feel the tears rushing down with joy and happiness.

You ran right over to him and surprised him by swooping in and hugging him tightly, burying your head into his shoulder as you cried your heart out.

"I missed you so much..."

One of a Kind~ A Quirrel x Reader fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now