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Awakening on top of Quirrel would now be considered the most embarrassing moment of your entire time here in Hallownest.

He was already awake, but probably wasn't saying anything or moving much to prevent disturbing your sleep. Now that you had finally opened your eyes, you quickly lifted yourself off of his lap and trembled awkwardly from where you were sitting. He looks at you with his usual genuine expression.

"Did you get a good rest? You were in a pretty deep sleep. I didn't know that sleeping on me would let you sleep for that long," He slightly teases you with the last sentence, causing you to blush. You look down at the floor as you tapped your foot anxiously, rapidly trying to concoct a reasonable response.

"Yeah, I was pretty drained out, so I was glad to get a good amount of rest." You stop yourself and uncomfortably include another sentence. "Even if where I accidently got that rest was on top of y-you." You try to stare away at something else, like the plants above you, dangling from the ceiling of the small resting area. One nearly touched your face, but you gently blew it away.

"I-it's fine, really. I didn't really mind, especially since you were so tired," He kindly replies, aware of your uneasiness when you responded to his question. You were grateful that he didn't taunt you rudely about you droning off to sleep in the wrong place. You thought that he probably cared more about whether you got the rest you needed, rather than where you were able to get it from.

It was still humiliating to sleep on top of Quirrel hours ago. If it wasn't for your clumsiness once again, you would have had the common sense to get on the stone bench and sleep there instead. However, there was no turning back now.

"We should get going. Can't stay here forever anyways," He changes the topic, which you respected coming from him. You nodded your head in agreement, and then both of you headed outside. 

Surprisingly, you guys didn't part ways whatsoever. There was really no other direction to head to, so the both of you decided to stick together for now. Fortunately, for the majority of the way back to the crossroads, both of you didn't get highly injured.

There was only one time where two of the Moss Knights, like the one you saw at the dock of The Lake of Unn, came over to attack you after a tad bit of greediness took over since you wanted to take the few piles of geo to stock up on money. You weren't prepared to see double trouble heading your way.

They managed to scar you a couple of times, before Quirrel dashed to the rescue and killed one of them for you before it did any more harm. You gathered your strength and helped Quirrel get rid of the other Moss Knight that posed as a smaller threat. You then barreled yourself towards the geo, tumbling midway due to your sudden excitement.

You and Quirrel started to laugh as a small bundle of geo fell right on your face. You scooped the geo up and stored it with the rest of your money, before getting up and dusting off the debris from the grassy floor.

"You should be more careful with where you land, (Y/N). Otherwise a mountain of geo will fall from the sky on you instead!" He exaggerated jokingly, causing you to continue laughing, even after holding back your giggles several times. You were now able to imagine an entire jackpot of geo raining from above, forming a humongous pool of just the small pebbles of currency. 

After sharing a few more jokes, both of you continue downwards to what seemed like the crossroads. This time, however, Quirrel led you to an area as soon as you dashed up to a certain platform. As you traveled down the rocky surfaces, you discovered that spotted mushrooms were growing from the sides of the walls, letting off a foggy kind of mist that surrounded the air.

Interested when noticing the fungi, you tapped on Quirrel's shoulder, since he was standing still, observing the matter that was taking part of the walls now.

One of a Kind~ A Quirrel x Reader fanfictionHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin