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By then, you and Quirrel really embraced the moment you spent together inside of Crystal Peak, everlasting in your minds but not for real. You both found it best to split up for now, even with the hatred you both had for staying apart. However, you had to locate three dreamers to unlock the opening for the Black Egg, which contained the vessel itself, along with the source of the plague that started to exist in the first place.

You had already found Lurien, but you had to admit that The Watcher Knights were pretty challenging, especially with double trouble happening very frequently. It was difficult to focus on one when the other one was about to pounce on you from dozens of feet above. You had to take several long rests in order to eventually eliminate all six of them.

Now, you had just finished off with Herrah, and were sitting down with Hornet, who had decided to come visit her mother's grave in the aftermath of your journey of the Distant Village. She had a grieving look on her face, one that expressed her sorrow for not being able to stay with her mother for as long as she thought she would. As she swiped her tears to the side, you sympathetically placed your hand on your shoulder.

Surprisingly, she didn't flinch or hesitate when she tried to comfort her. She took it for granted and cried onto your shoulder, for she had already known and fought with you twice to the point where she considered you someone more trustworthy than a mindless, corrupted insect. Once she had finally soothed down, you gestured that you were going to go now. But she stopped you from going, allowing you to hear what she had to say.

"Hey, about that. I really underestimated you. You're actually a really good person, (Y/N). Thank you for being there."

She bowed down respectfully to you, a sad smile plastered on her face at the moment. You did the same and nodded. "It's alright. Takes time to trust someone anyways. See you around."

You gave her a wave, and she returned it. You then skipped off to (hopefully) find a bench.

<<<  >>>

It felt like hours dragged by, and you couldn't find a single bench. You did note that with the darkening and frightening features of Deepnest that not many people would hang around here. You were confident enough, however, to find a bench before you decided to sleep.

Strangely, it was the karma of you tripping, tumbling down a narrow hole, and then landing face-first in a pool of water that you were able to locate-

"A hot spring! Oh thank Hallownest!" You exclaimed, soaring out of the shallow water and smiling in relief. You positioned yourself into a starfish swim, floating about in relaxation. You closed your eyes and permitted the tranquility to flow all over you, putting you in a state of extreme calm.

"Hot spring's nice, huh?"

A voice made you jump, and you felt yourself sinking down as you swung your arms crazily due to your sudden surprise. You splashed all about, slightly scared, especially since your eyes were closed prior to being disturbed.

When you opened your eye to take a peek of where the noise came from, you distinguished Quirrel's familiar laughs, which made you blush. Looks like Quirrel made you scared you to the point where it made you jump; literally. You could imagine a smirk behind that mask of his as you managed to spit out the luminating water that had gotten into your mouth.

"Quirrel! You scared me!" You said, feeling very embarrassed when you jumped like a cat right in front of him. You stood up to face him, and he helped brush the water from the other that was still shut to the side, allowing for it to open up properly again.

"You know, you're a pretty loud one, (Y/N). Before you fell in here, I could here you shouting things to the enemies surrounding the place. That at least let me know that you were okay, because the normal you always tends to scream at things," He tells you, and you feel yourself growing more flustered.

"I'm t-that loud?!" You yelped out, feeling yourself about to stumble backwards again. Luckily, Quirrel grabbed your hand and pulled you close to him, halting your fall. He looked down at you and you were able to hear a small chuckle slip out of his mouth.

"Loud, and add clumsy," He teased, filling your face with blush as he gently kissed your forehead. "Now, how about you sit down and tell me where you have been."

He goes to sit back down in the corner closest to the nearest bench. You sit to face him, and quickly lecture him about encountering Hornet, who was still inside of one of the five stages of grief due to her mother's death. Quirrel looked down, his mask partially covering the majority of the top half of his face.

"That must be terrible. I wish I was there to provide all of my sympathy for her. I have a feeling that I remember this... Hornet that you speak of...." He paused to see if he could recall any memories, and he nodded his head. "Yeah, I have seen her before, on my way here to Hallownest once more."

You were more interested now, so you scooted slightly closer to Quirrel to see if he would tell you more. "What did she do when she saw you?"

"I think... I think she told me to turn around and not come back. She warned me several times, and hinted towards a battle, where the mask on my head somehow stopped things from getting too brutal," He recalled, making your eyes glisten with excitement.

"So, basically, you guys fought, and the mask protected you?"

"Sort of, I suppose."

The two of you sat in silence for a while after that, not knowing what else to do. Both of you weren't willing to leave each other at the moment, but you also wanted to be able to remember being in Deepnest's hot spring before heading off to somewhere new. 

The only thing that came into mind was splashing Quirrel for some apparent reason. You decided to slam your hand down, which sprayed some droplets onto him. He used his mask to cover his face, which was pink at the moment, as you allowed more portions of the water to land on his head. You giggled as you knew that you embarrassed more and more throughout each and every second.

Eventually, Quirrel decided to tag along, splattering water all over the upper part of your cloak. You, at first, made a joking gasp due to you not expecting him to soak your face and the remainder of your clothing. But then, a small grin popped up on your face.

<<<  >>>

Both you and Quirrel were laughing as Quirrel shared a few jokes. You were both soaking wet, but too happy at the moment to care. Every single time you weren't laughing, you were giving a lighthearted smile towards Quirrel, for his kindness has fully affected you to the extreme. 

You decided to lay it back a few minutes later, trying to get the rest that you deserved. However, only a couple of minutes passed before you felt Quirrel shaking your shoulders, awaking you almost instantly to the point where you bonked the back of your head on the solid floor.

"(Y/N)! I have sort of good news!" He exclaimed, looking more delighted than ever. He made an eager-looking pose, inches away from your view.

"Ouch... what is it Quirrel?" You muttered, using bits of the crystalline colored water to soothe the wound that was now swelling up behind your head.

"I think... I think I finally remember where I came from."

One of a Kind~ A Quirrel x Reader fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now