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You weren't even able to make comments about anything that came in your path because of how speechless you were from after what you had just discovered deep within you. You never thought about having a deeper bond with anybody, especially Quirrel. What happens if he didn't feel the same way? That actually may be just you doubting yourself, because you did quickly recall the occasional moments where a small rush of pink would arrive in Quirrel's cheeks depending on the situation.

You barely countered the mantises. You would just quickly tred past them, climbing up lowly elevated platforms along the way. They were pretty surprised that you didn't pester them as much as other outcomers did. Some mantis warriors would even shrug their shoulders when you rapidly went past them, not understanding why you were in such a rush.

However, you weren't in a rush for anything. You saw something glowing, and you were just very intrigued to find out what was causing such a bright light to shine from a distance. You reached it in what felt like you were running a marathon that only lasted for 10 seconds. You extended your arm and got a good grip on the object, then pulled it your direction, allowing yourself to absorb whatever contents it contained.

You suddenly touched a wall, and felt yourself immediately stick to it, like glue. You jumped up higher and noticed that you began sliding downwards, so you continuously hopped up the edge of the wall to the nearest terrace. 

"Ohhh, I see! This is supposed to be a mantis' claw, and it allows me to.... hop from wall to wall?" You clearly were struggling to figure out how this new ability worked properly; you kept falling to the ground because of your inexperience.

Eventually, when you noticed increasing hazards developing in your pathway, you grew used to the weirdness of the wall jumping, and escaped the mantis village. As you walked on towards the right and bounced on the purple, swirly mushrooms, dodging elephant looking balloons that floated in the air and exploding plants, you squinted to see Hornet once again. She stood near a bunch of corpses of what appeared to be guards. You took cautious steps, attempting to not disturb her from where she stood. A slight shiver traveled down your back, nearly making you tumble down and crash to right where she was. The smallest flinch that you reacted with allowed her to see you. 

She glanced at your direction with an uncertain stare. For what you knew, she wasn't considered a "friend" just yet. You barely knew the lady. When you had tried to communicate with her back in Greenpath, she declared a battle, and you could have possibly passed out if you hadn't thought about Quirrel. You used the bare minimum of strength you had left to make her leave. And now, she was glaring right at you once again. You could feel yourself growing more nervous as her gaze transformed into one more solemn.

You stepped down again from the platform, but since you were only inches away from her, she had speeded away. You dashed forwards, determined to continue following her. This time, nothing would stop you-

As soon as you entered the next area, you noticed a disconnected bridge. Squinting, you saw a lever that was located what felt like miles ahead. You groaned to yourself and jumped upwards, pouncing into a mushroom and killing it with a quick kick to the closest solid material. You barely took consideration for what you just did, focusing on perfectly timing your dashes from wall to wall. Due to this massive amount of concentration and the confidence that kept piling up as you parkoured flawlessly, you got to and pulled two levers, fully attaching the bridge together as one whole anew. You dropped down and looked up to notice a statue with a figure that looked vaguely familiar.

"That looks a lot like The False Knight's armor from way before. Very strange," You commented to yourself. You wondered what Quirrel would say if he came across the stone statue. Thinking of Quirrel as a role model real quick, you persisted in acting inquisitive, using what you knew already about the depths of Hallownest to try and concoct a conclusion. However, nothing clicked together in your brain, making you feel stumped and lost. But you knew, without hesitation, that Hornet was definitely inside of whatever was behind this gate. 

One of a Kind~ A Quirrel x Reader fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now