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Your eyes lit up in curiosity almost instantly, as Quirrel grabbed your arm seconds after to lead you to where he was taking you. The brightness in his eyes gradually continued increasing, as he felt himself reaching the place that he was recalling within each moment he took a step. 

Finally, the running abruptly stopped, and you felt yourself almost falling forwards, but you caught your balance before you felt yourself trembling beneath your feet. This place felt familiar, but you couldn't quite remember the name. You felt the gears turning in your head, trying to click the pieces together.

"Fog Canyon! This is where I was before I set off on my own adventure. I was with here with someone, but that's the next thing I'm trying to figure out..." He inquisitively stood around, staring into the gluttonous material of one of the vertically swimming jellyfish creatures. You heard rumors that they exploded if you went too close, and you didn't want to test that theory.

You flopped onto the ground, assuming it was safe enough to make a fall, in which you were right; small layers of grass made the fall much more comforting and secure. You looked upwards to notice a dangling, light blue bioluminescent cocoon above your head. You stretched yourself to touch it, and squinted your eyes shut when a few droplets of the neon liquid fell onto your face.

Quirrel landed right beside you, feeling the smooth texture of the wrapped, bubbly shape as well. He then turned his head over to face you. "Do you know what this is?" He asked, as he perked his head up to look at it again.

You shook your head no so rapidly that small portions of the cocoon droplets scattered to Quirrel's face as well. He chuckled and wiped the fragile water bits off his face carefully.

"Well, these are Lifeblood Cocoons, ones that lifeblood butterflies make to... well.. you get the deal. The more cocoons, the more of these pretty butterflies that we'll encounter." He stood up from where he was laying, and used the tip of his nail to puncture open a miniature hole into the lifeblood cocoon. It was large enough to have several parts of the liquid inside spill out onto Quirrel's opposite hand.

"Wait, Quirrel, what are you doing?!" You were scared for the health of the butterflies or creatures inside, but Quirrel was shaking his head and comfortingly placing his hand on your shoulder.

"Don't worry, this doesn't cause any harm. Usually, a cocoon this size or one that tends to be more active symbolizes that the younger ones inside are ready to be freed. I'm doing them a favor, no harm done. Promise," He reassuringly smiles, and you, putting your trust in him, believed what he said to be true.

Instances later, a few smaller butterflies flew out of the cocoon, spiraling around both you and Quirrel. Quirrel smiled and laid back down on the more softer ground. You couldn't help but grin as well; it was a beautiful sight that you two were witnessing. One even landed in the middle of your face, as well as one set itself upon Quirrel's hand. Quirrel caressed its wings gently and then gestured for the bug to fly away, in which it did after being touched.

You tried hard not to disturb the butterfly, whose wings shifted back and forth, as it sat on top of your face. You attempted to look at Quirrel, but all you could do was hear him snickering in the background. You, embarrassingly, carefully prodded the tip of the butterfly's wing, and it flew away from both of you seconds later, awaiting its journey to find a new home in Hallownest.

"You know, I'm actually glad you brought me here, to this...um-"

"Lifeblood cocoon," He finished politely, and you nodded in approval.

"It was beautiful, to see all of that. Is this what you remembered?" You tilted your head, dying to know if Quirrel knew more, but trying not to pressure his sense of memory.

"Oh, no no no! This isn't the place I wanted to bring you to. I just came over here for a quick rest; it was a pretty long walk. And... it was pretty, to be able to sit here with you and admire the glowing essence of these beautiful insects," He added.

Your face turned pink almost as soon as he said that, flustered by his choice of words. "W-well, t-they were p-pr-pretty, b-but not as p-pretty a-as-" You stopped yourself, feeling too awkward to say the last word due to all the stuttering you just let out.

"Hm?" Quirrel was the one cocking his head to the side now, hiding a tiny smirk, for he imagined he knew what you meant.

"You. Not as p-pretty as you. You v-very pretty.... I-I mean, cool!" Your grammar just stopped working, and you were just too embarrassed to say anything else. He scooted closer to you, for you were now sitting down, and wrapped his arm around your back to pull you in closer into what looked like a side hug.

"Y'know, I was assuming you would say that. With all that we have, you know, been through. But it is okay, because I don't think you are lying to yourself," He admits jokingly, and you look away. He then kisses you on the forehead and gets up, extending his hand so that you would be able to grab it and follow him.

He brings you downwards a bit, pointing out the beautiful rhythm the jellyfish had while swimming in pairs, by themselves, or in bigger groups. You wanted to touch the babies, but Quirrel had to stop you twice from nearly shocking yourself. He then stopped the both of you from moving any further from a small building that stood out in the center.

Something struck you familiar to both him and you, but you weren't able to tell what. 

"I just have this weird sense... that I was in this place before..." He was pondering about whether this was the right place, but with him peering around at the jellyfish and more water-like setting, you felt like he might recognize this place. Finally, your brain clicked the pieces together, and you checked at your map with enough proof that your guess was most likely correct.

"Oh my gosh, you were with Monomon the Dreamer?!"

One of a Kind~ A Quirrel x Reader fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now