Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

"Good," I heard a dark chuckle come from across the room from a dark corner. And from that dark corner appeared another skeleton, really, and he was covered in this goopy substance with tentacles popping out of his back. Speaking of said tentacles he was currently picking us up and dangling us in mid-air. Rose had somehow got ahold of a knife and managed to throw it at who I know assume in nightmare. Of course, nightmare saw it and knocked it out of the air only to pick It back up with another tentacle and examined it. "You know, you should watch where you're throwing your dull knives."

"Nightmare," Error spoke, "We need to get going, they'll find us eventually if we stay."

Nightmare gave out a groan, "Well I guess your right about that. Now," he turned to us. "how would you three like to go to another world full of darkness and nightmares?"

"And where exactly is that?" Faith asked.

"Don't worry, it's not like you'll escape anyway." Nightmare responded.

I heard a low growl come from Rose, "Just you wait! Blueberry's goona be here any minuet to come and kick your ass!" She yelled. I heard error laughing quietly. Out of the corner of my eye though I saw Faith's magic begin to summon and form into a sword, she then swiftly cut herself free from the tentacle and threw the sword somehow managing to free us as well. I didn't need to be told to run since my legs began to do it on their own.

"Get back here" I heard the low growl of nightmare and looked back to the see the tentacles which were cut, perfectly fine now.

"Run, run, run faster legs!" I heard Rose scream but oddly it wasn't out loud. I kept hearing her screaming and looked at her to see that her mouth wasn't moving. Are we freakin telepathic now?? I decided to test my new power, 'can you guys hear me??'

"apparently!' I heard both and rose and faith scream.

'but we need to leave now, where do we need to teleport. Where can we go and them not find us??' Faith said.

'going to ink again is probably the best option." Rose said. Without anything to be said we joined hands and focused our energy. Light was beginning to be produced when it reached its peak, I felt my soul get ripped out by error's string. It felt like slow motion, I reached out for the others two only to see them disappear in a flash of light, then I blacked out.

Blueberry POV

I snapped again, but I knew if I let him out then I had a chance to save them. "Error deserves to die!"

"No, he doesn't!" Dream yelled back.

"What do you know dream," I snapped at him, "Your too happy and self-centered to see what's going on in the REAL WORLD." I yelled back and making dream cry. I wanted to help him, but by now I'm just sitting in the backseat.

"how dare you!" UF Toriel yelled. "How dare you make this small skeleton cry?!" Balls of fire had begun to appear behind her. They began to be sent my way. I dodged them all easily that's when the difficulty turned up. I was still able to get passed them easily but it just made him angry. "Enough!" I yelled as a bone pierced the ground and struck the front of the right side of her face. It wasn't fatal but was goona leave a nasty scar.

"TORIEL!" I heard and saw fell run over to her and fawn over her.

"Heh," I laughed," "looks like fell monsters are nothing but soft idiots"

"YOU," Fell looked at me with his eye fully ignited. "I've had enough of your shit. Say your last words child. "I got in a fighting stance ready to fight, when I sensed someone, no it's more like two. They weren't physically here, then I realized it was going to be a teleport. I jumped back a little to give them room, and like I expected they popped out of thin air, except, where's gamma?

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