Chapter 6

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Papyrus POV

So now all of the "sanses" are gone besides this Ink and dream fellow, and speaking of Ink, "Ink, do you possibly know where they could've taken Gamma?" Ink stared off into space for a minuet but then shook his head no. Great.

"Well," Dream looked up but then down, putting a finger to his mouth nawwing on it slightly.

Then UT Toriel walked over and put a paw on his shoulder, "What is wrong my ch- friend."

"I have a good assumption on where they are, but to enter that world is suicide." He said looking slightly stressed. Starting to mumble to him self again.

UF Toriel began to yell at Ink.

"Papyrus! PAPYRUS!" I looked over to see Fell running at me. He had green ones and zeros running through his eye. A uncouncious Blueberry in his arms. "Why isn't he awake yet??"

I took my bro from his arms. " I don't know, I'll put to bed at home." I teleported away and put him on the couch searching for a blanket then drapping it over him and teleporting back. I wasn't even gone for three minuets and Sans managed to be back in the conversation. He looked stressed though.

"She told me to remember something! What was it. AAUUGG" He hit his head a few times before I could see the literaly light bulb pop up. "Dream, she said something about going to Nighmare. He also looked like a prince when Fresh showed up and did something to him."

"P-princy? Could it be?" He almost looks relieved. "Wait!" His eyes lit up, "if he's in that form then." He suddenly crashes to the ground with a yellow hue suddenly wrapping around his form.

After a minuet he quickly shot up opening up and portal and yelling, "You get the others!" He ran through and closed the portal.

"Alrighty!" Ink clapped his hands multiple times. "If your not a Sans or Papyrus then stay and watch the kids." He grabbed his paintbrush and splashed a portal in mid-air jumping though once it was finished. Fell grabbed my sleeve and pulled me into the portal with sans. "Welcome to the Anti-Void!" Holy honey it's so white in here.

Fell let go of my sleeve and ran past us with sans with him. How did they know where to go? We began following them and for a while they were the only difference in color. Then legit a minuet later we could see three figures in the distance. "hit the strings when we get closer!" Bones and blaster materializing behind Sans and Fell. When we got closer I could see Error string up Gamma and Blueberry. Ink shot by us like a bullet almost like he's had a target lock on Error on. We follwed in pursuit shooting the blasters and freeing them from the strings. Sans and Fell dissapeared for a second but reapeared under them and caught them. I ran up to Blueberry and took him from a worried Fell's arms.

"You alright bro?" He started squirming.

"Papyrus! Put me down! I'm not a little kid anymore! Put me down!" He continued to struggle.

I could hear fell snickering in the background.

"Sssaaannnsssss I'm fine!" Gamma yelled at sans trying to yank her arm away from his grasps.


"You should be focusing on me Error!" Ink took another swing at him.

"NO," Sans said standing up. "He's mine now," Why does he look so much scarier now? I looked over to Error to see fear on his face. I heard a step to my left and saw a blue cloud of smoke begging to form around him. "What's wrong Error, fraid of little sansy?" He started laughing and pulled a blue vile out of his coat pocket. By now even his eye sockets were poring the blue smoke. "You know what Error? I've been itching to use this since Frisk fell down and woke up Chara." It can't be DT so what is it?

Then it hit me.


Sorry it's short, but it's about end here soon. Yeah it's going to be a short book.

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