Chapter 10

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Fresh POV

Here I am in outertale just reading my comic books as an unradical portal forms beside me. From inside I could hear the voice of what seems to be the unradical Nightmare. "Fresh, I need your help." I could feel my glasses go ?????. What could that goopy potato chip want with me? I set down my comic and get up looking through the portal to see something I never thought I would. Nightmare holding a sleeping Dream who looks like he has Nightmare's goo without the tentacles. It was almost a touching sight. Almost. He nudged his head towards him. I went in the portal looking around and realized this was Dreamtale.

"So, what do you need brosiph?" I asked crouching down besides Dream.

"A distraction and a story. I know Ink will be here any minuet and Error will probably follow. I can't let Ink think that me and my brother are on the same side now." Well, this is certainly surprising.

"Why ask me for help? Why not another one of the neutral?" He looks at me then back at dream petting his head slowly.

"I need your illusion powers, and don't say you don't have them because you use them every time you teleport or 'Fresh Poff'" Well he does have a point. Surprised he managed to figure that it was illusions and not just an after affect.

"I can help ya brosiph, but's its goona cost ya."

"what is it this time?" He looked almost annoyed.

"I want you to push Geno and me into Error's dreamscape while he's sleeping. Geno's been mad worried bout our bro since he doesn't respond to Geno's calls." Once he recognized what I said he sighed in what I believe to be relief.

"And here I thought you were going to ask something weirder, but I should be able to do that. Just have to wait for Error to fall asleep." His petting on Dreams head never stopped even when the skeleton begun to wake.

"Nighty?" He yawned sitting up and rubbing his eye and opening it to reveal what looks like Nightmare's eye but with Dreams yellow shade of magic.

"I'm still here Dream, although you did wake up just in time to hear the plan."

It took him a second to realize I was here and then asked. "What plan, what's happening brother?" Dream looked worried. Nightmare pet his head.

"We're making a plan that includes Fresh's illusion magic so when Ink shows up, he won't know we're on the same side now."

"Righto brosiphs." I said doing finger guns.

"Alright! Then let's get the plan started!" Dream said enthusiastically.


"Alright so here's the full plan." Nightmare started. "Dream you will be cloaked in Fresh's illusion magic while fighting me so everyone will see the passive you fighting me. I'll look like you damaged me with an arrow sticking out somewhere while I grab an 'apple' which conveniently looks like one of your golden apples and tries to choke you with it. You will then go through the transformation and pretend to be in pain, then once you're done Fresh will release the illusion and you'll look like what you normally do. Then pass out from the pain. Then Fresh will step out of the shadows and hit me with something knocking me out. But here's where the problem comes into play. When Ink arrives, there is a small chance that Error will arrive at the same time too. So, Error then will most likely leave with me and then the rest goes on. Sound good?" Nightmare said relatively fast. Dang, he could be a rapper talking that fast.

"All clear brosiph!" I held a thumbs up.

"Sounds good brother, but when do you think they'll be here?" Dream said looking around.

"Soon, so we need to get ready," He stands up and we all follow. He points where we need to go. This is so radical, it's like filming a movie! I of course was on top of a nearby building, close enough to see what's happening, but not withing noticeable distance. Nightmare signaled that the show needs to get rolling. So, I unleashed my magic and willed the world's surroundings to look like what I want them too. It took a few minutes, but I was fully able to hide myself, change the environment to look like a fight scene, then change the balance brother's looks. Dream was looking over himself in amazement and Nightmare was touching the arrows and sighing in relief that they weren't real, but now we wait.

And wait we did.

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