Chapter 7

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Papyrus Pov


The white light in my eyes fadded as I recognized where I was. Gasters lab. This is where he created Sans and me. We were just his experiments, his lab rabs. The senerio happening now was when he gave us viles. Mine was orange like my magic while Sans, or Blueberry, was blue like his magic. He told us to drink them and we had to do as told. We drank the viles but threw them up almost instantly. I can still taste that disgusting thing. We both passed out a mineut later. I woke a few hours later but Sans took a day and a half to wake up. When he did wake up though, it was hell. Bones were being shot out randomly and sometimes it came close to hitting me. I managed to calm him down a few times and durin that we would plan our escape. We never fully came up with a plan, but one day it appared in front of us. Gaster took us out of the lab and to the core. I pretty sure we had the same idea because I gave a small push motion. He knodded and I counted to three in my head as I watched the two push Gaster off the ledge and into the lava. We were hugging shortly and crying our eyes out at our new found freedom. 


Sorry it's so short.

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