chapter 20

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a/n: here is chapter 20, exactly a month after the last update. i hope you guys enjoy this thank u!

p.s. ginny is being a lil bit of bad bitch here 


 "Okay, so what's the situation that we have in here?" Ginny asked, her voice croaked a little bit as she forced herself to look at Abby, who was standing close to her bed. Her treasurer had effectively ruined the moment that was building up between Ginny and Daniel. But it was not something important to tend to as of now. "Where is Noah?"

A sheepish look flickered across Abby's face and Ginny could not help but to sense that something had truly gone terribly wrong aside from Jacqueline's disappearance. The latter was enough to cause some strain. Officially, the new girl was supposed to be under the Student Council's care, but clearly the last few weeks had taken a toll on Ginny's wellbeing. She honestly hadn't managed to check up on Jacqueline until yesterday when both her and Daniel dropped by to a sudden visit. "Pres, he is on his way here, but you should check on your phone. I...let's just say that our charge Axel Yamazaki had something to say to you."

"Of course he does," Ginny muttered under her breath. Looking up, she found Daniel's gaze on hers. Curiosity was there, but it was clear he tried to downplay it. It was not fair for him or her that the imminent disaster of this event was breathing down both of their necks, waiting to break whatever was growing from the common ground they were standing on. "I'll catch to that up later. First, we have to look for Noah."

"Ginny!" Noah's familiar voice was heard from behind the curtain and not long he slid it open and rushed inside. Her best friend immediately sat in front of her and pulled her into a hug. Ginny always felt the warmth rolling off him and engulfed them whenever he was around. The kind of warmth that sitting by close to the hearth or when her parents tucked her into bed. With Noah, it felt like home, in the ways that weren't romantic but still mattered to her deeply. "Thank God, I heard what happened from Daniel about what happened."

"N-Noah," Ginny stuttered a little bit. She hated to admit that tears started to well up in her eyes and using her sheer will, Ginny held it back. "Jacqueline is missing. Abby told me that you dropped by to the Student Council room looking for me and I...I'm sorry, Noah, that I did not look after her even though I am supposed to be her buddy in this school."

She felt someone squeezed her shoulders from the other side and her eyes flitted to Daniel. He only gave her a small yet supportive smile. How on Earth Ginny never truly noticed how kind he had always been? But then again, she forced herself to focus on the bickering aspect that formed half of the foundation of their relationship. It felt safer that way, but Ginny was done playing safe. Not when her past was threatening to ruin everything she had worked so hard for.

"Ginny, it is not your fault.She has always been withdrawn and quiet. I just wanted to help her at first you know, but she is so..." Noah trailed off. He looked around and a sheepish smile formed on his face. "Crap, now is not the time to wax lyrical about the missing new girl, huh."

"Wow, thank you for saving me from another cringefest," Abby piped up, rolling her eyes as she cross her arms against her chest and one of her foot impatiently tapping against the floor. "To be fair, Pres, I'm feeling a little bit like the side character here, but don't mind me. I'm just waiting for your orders about what we should d about home boy Axel. You would want to hear what he got to say, Pres. That boy is really a piece of work."

Ginny exchanged glances with Noah, whose eyes almost bulged out of his sockets after hearing what Abby had said. "Axel is here and he has something to say," Ginny explained the abridged version to Noah. "And I fainted right on spot when he walked into the room."

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