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Date: November 16, 2011


Jeno was a very happy child

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Jeno was a very happy child. He was happier than other kids would be in his situation. He lived in a foster home with some other children, and if he was being honest, it seemed like the adults chose to favor the others over him.

He volunteered to do a lot of work around the house while the others all went out to play. He was always the first one to put down whatever he was doing to help out. He was the kindest soul, who would put bandaids on the knees of his brothers and sisters when they came inside crying because of a bad fall.

The other children, who were known to him as his siblings by heart, absolutely adored him. They loved him more than the adults did, and sadly, it was pretty obvious.

Being the oldest of all of them, Jeno would get the worst punishments. They weren't bad enough to be unbearable, but Jeno hated when his foster dad did them.

"Why are you crying? You're a man, aren't you? Look at all your sisters. They could take this better than you and they're girls. You're fine, kid. Get up," he would say, ruffling eight year old Jeno's fluffy brown hair.

It was those words that made Jeno almost become misogynistic. But when the second oldest child, Lia, beat the crap out of him when they were wrestling, he gained a lot more respect for women.

His dad was okay though. He was tough on Jeno, but he made sure the boy was fed and bought him gifts a lot. His mom was the same way, just less aggressive.

His mom was a surgeon and his dad was a college professor, so the family never had any trouble with money.

Regardless of all the harsh things he's faced, Jeno always likes to see the bright side of things. That includes knowing that even though he's in a foster home, he was lucky to be in a good one. Even at eleven years old he knew that he had a pretty good life going for him.

Only eight more years until he wasn't owned by the government and he could finally go be his own person.

Now it was November 16, 2011. Jeno was helping one of the younger kids do his homework in the dining room when he overheard his parents talking in the kitchen.

"I don't know how to tell him." His mom's voice cracking was the thing that made him interested.

He hated when she cried.

"Tell him what, Aeri? We don't have to tell that boy anything."

"He should know!"

"That man has no place in our boy's life! I'm the only man that needs to be around Jeno, and if you try to get him in touch with his biological father, I will never forgive you."

Jeno's eyes widened and he stood up.

"Hyung, what are they yelling about?" The younger one asked, tugging on Jeno's shirt.

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