Chapter 31

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Everleigh has a wide smile on her face as she sneaks into Veronica's bedroom. She holds a doll in her arm and ducky the duck in her hand. She places both of it on the bed before she climbs over Veronica's legs to Archie. She puts her hands on his chest and begins to shake him awake. "Daddy" she whispers. "Daddy"

She giggles when he slowly opens his eyes. "Daddy!"

"Morning sweetheart"

"It's my birthday! I'm four now"

"I know" he chuckles "happy birthday honey"

"Thank you daddy. Can we get up now. I'm bored. Can I open my presents?"

"Shh Ev. Mommy is still asleep"

"We can wake mommy!"

"We will not wake up mommy. She and the baby need to sleep" he chuckles "Come with me Ev"
He wraps his arm around the little girl and gets up.

"My doll and ducky" she whispers and points to her toys close to Veronica's feet. Archie grabs both of them and softly kisses Veronica's cheek before he walks out of the bedroom and into the kitchen. He places Everleigh on the kitchen counter and hands her her toys. "So birthday baby what do you want for breakfast?"

"I'm not a baby! I'm a big girl. I'm four now daddy, four!"

"I know sweetie" Archie smiles "okay birthday girl what do you want for breakfast?"

"Mhh can I have whatever I want?"

"Yeah, well not everything but almost everything"

"Mhhhh" she says again. She holds her toys close to her chest and swing her legs back and forth. "Waffles with chocolate chips and strawberries and bananas"

"Very good choice Miss Lodge"

Everleigh giggles. "I want to help you"

"Okay but you need to put your toys aside"

"Help me down dada!"

Archie smirks. He lifts Everleigh off the counter and watches her run to the living room. The little girl puts her toys on the couch and places a little kiss on her dolls head before she runs back to Archie with her arms up.
Archie grabs her little body and tosses her into the air before he places her back on the kitchen counter"

"What first?" he asks.

"We have to cut the banana and the strawberries into little pieces so we can put them onto our waffles"

"Very smart Ev, good job"

Everleigh giggles and claps her hands. She watches Archie as he cuts the strawberries in half and puts them in a bowl. Every now and then her little hand sneaks to the bowl, takes a strawberry and puts it into her mouth.

"Honey when you eat all the strawberries now you won't have any later"

"But they're so yummy"

"Good morning my lovely family" Veronica smiles as she walks into the kitchen. Archie turns around and opens his arms for her but she walks past him and takes her girl into her arms. She places kisses all over her face and enjoy her daughter's giggles. "Happy birthday my sweet little baby girl. I love you, I love you, I love you"

"Thank you mommy, I love you too"

Veronica kisses her cheek again before she turns to Archie and wraps her arms around his middle. "Morning lover boy" she smiles.

"Good morning my love" he puts his finger under her chin and tilts her head up a little so he can kiss her lips. "I love you" he whispers.

She blushes a little and bites her lip. "I love you too Archiekins"

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