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Sadie and her younger sister, Leslie, were excited to go on a little vacation together. Leslie was a full time student, and Sadie was a small business owner. The trip had been in the works for a while. Las Vegas had always been a dream, and for once their schedules lined up to where they could actually go.

Sadie was by no means a city girl, especially not more. She found solace in the open land and peace and quiet.

Leslie, however, thrived off of big cities. The noise and the people made her feel so alive. She was definitely more excited about going then Sadie, who never seemed to have an opinion on anything. She was the kind of person who went right along with the flow.

Sadie could spot her sister miles away at the airport, with her dozen or so hot pink bags and killer height. She was a beauty, and people always took notice of her trendy clothes and confident walk. It couldn't be any more opposite of Sadie, but they were two peas in a pod and loved each other greatly.

"Sadie!" she cheered when she caught sight of her adorable plain jane sister. "Are you ready to fly to sin city? Get drunk and gamble away money we don't have?"

Sadie laughed, taking one of her sister's bags off of her arms. "I don't know about that, but I am excited. What did you even pack? This feels like a bag of rocks. Leslie, we're going for three days."

Leslie laughed as they walked towards their gate. "You know I always want to look my best."

"How did you get through security with so many carry ons?"

Leslie gave another charming laugh, a few heads turning in their direction and Sadie could feel an anxious blush creeping up her neck at the attention. "Enough about me. I'm just glad you got someone to babysit those horses of yours so you could come. I would hate to have to invite Mollie."

Mollie was their older sister. She and Leslie were so alike it was scary. Leslie stood about a foot taller (making her look the oldest), but that was where the differences stopped. Mollie would have loved to come. She was probably the most outgoing out of all of them, but she was a mother of two now, and her priorities had shifted from partying in Vegas to raising a family.

Sadie and her sisters were best friends, no doubt about that, but she felt inferior to the two stunning women. She was short and tomboy-ish. She was also a bit of loner now, living alone on her small ranch with a few horses she used for therapy. She'd never worn make-up in her life, nor had she ever dated anyone.

Of course she fantasized about a man coming to sweep her off her feet, but they always dashed away at the first glimpse of her strong independence and shy demeanor. At the age of 24, she was used to it, but it still bothered her.


Sadie was grateful for the three hours gained from the time change from the east coast. It gave her a chance to settle before Leslie ran her into the ground.

"Ugh our view is gorgeous. I can't believe how cute this little area is. Coffee shops and boutiques. I love it," Leslie gave a dramatic sigh before flopping down on her bed. "What if we meet some celebrities? I'm sure they hang out somewhere in this city."

Sadie nodded along to her sister's chatter. They were definitely not in the area for any celebrities.

"Doesn't your favorite Jett Blackwell actually live here?" she teased.

"He's not my favorite," Sadie whispered, a smile creeping on her face to try to keep down her blush.

"Yeah right. You are obsessed."

Sadie felt herself dozing off, but was jarred awake by her sister clanging around with something. "Why are you making so much noise?"

"Oops sorry," Leslie giggled. "I wanted to straighten my hair before we left."

Sadie couldn't believe how much noise the girl could make with a straightener.

Leslie whirled around in her chair, "You are going to change, right? You never know who you might meet."

"Yeah, yeah. I packed a nice outfit for dinner and whatever else you are planning on doing tonight. You better not get so drunk you can't function tomorrow because I will go explore without you."

Leslie gave a devilish grin, not bothering to respond, and Sadie knew she was going to be the chaperone tonight. Sadie didn't really drink either. Maybe something here and there, but never drunk. She didn't like the taste much.

After an amazing late dinner, Sadie couldn't wait to go back to the hotel and sleep, but Leslie already had a club and casino in mind.
Sadie was certain Leslie did not know how to gamble, but that was not going to stop her from pushing a few buttons and throwing away a few dollars.

Leslie was a drunk, stumbling mess by the time midnight rolled around. She was hilarious, as always, but the mess was there.

"Sadie, you are the best big sister. I've never felt so free," she twirled on the side walk as they waited for a cab. "I think I'm a little drunk," she confessed, before bending over and spilling her guts.

"Just a little?" Sadie whispered, ushering her sister into the cab. There was no way Leslie was getting out of bed before noon. So much for exploring.

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