chapter 8

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We stood there for a second staring at each other. "Oh," I finally said. 

"That's it?" she asked jokingly, "Oh?"

"Do you want me to say anything else?"

"I sort of expected you to have some snarky remark, maybe something out of disgust."

"Why would I be disgusted?"

"You kind of seem like the type, no offense." she added "You used to hate me, I guess I never stopped thinking about it." She shrugged. 

"I don't hate you," I said.

"But you did?"

"No! Well, maybe. I'm not good at meeting new people, you were always different."

"What do you mean?"

"You always seemed excited to see me, you asked me about my life, you worried about me. Your honestly the first person I've ever been able to call a friend."

"I was always excited to see you." 


"I was, it was something healthy for me. A new job with someone who didn't judge me for my looks, customers who didn't want my body."

"What about the first day? You didn't even know me?"

"I didn't care, it was good, whoever it was." she shrugged and started walking again. "But I'm glad it was you."

"Why?" I asked and followed after her.

"Because you judged me on things other than my appearance or my skills in bed, everyday things."

"How is that a good thing? the way you say it makes it sound rude."

"I don't know," She smiled. "It feels good to not be afraid." 

"Yeah, I can understand that"



Sorry for all the infrequent updates, I'm trying to get things together. 

Anyway, I have news!!

In a few days I'm going to be able to start making this book into a comic! I thinking about uploading it on tapas and/or webtoon. I love creating artwork and making stories and this story has been sitting in the back of my mind for a while now and I'm excited to be able to set started on the comic version of it!! That does mean that the updates for it here will be less frequent, but I don't want to stop updating it here! It will just be the written version here, while the comic version will be up on tapas or webtoon! 

I'll update you guys as I start to get things going. In the meanwhile, tho, follow my Instagram! its dhr.gozer I post my artwork and bout my comics on there so please check it out if your interested!

Thank you for reading :)

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