chapter 10

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I only took a month off from work, it was much more time than I needed but Vivian would get mad at me if I told her I was going to come back.

 About 3 weeks into my break I came in on her shift. I couldn't sleep that night for some reason. I told myself that it was because of school but I knew that its wasn't true, I think I missed seeing my friend. 

She was surprised at first and then concerned. "What are you doing here?" she asked when I walked in.

"Hello to you too."

"Is everything okay? You're supposed to be taking a break."

I sat down at one of the counter chairs across from her, "I couldn't sleep." 

"Oh, do you know why?" I shook my head no. "In that case, coffee?"

I came in around 4:45 that morning and stayed until her shift was over. It felt a bit different, not in a bad way though. Vivian seemed more open, she let me ask her things rather than asking about me the whole time. I didn't even notice when we walked past her apartment building until we had gotten to a park a few blocks away. 

Hours must of past, the sun started to rise. We started the walk to her apartment like normal. Once we got to the door she stopped and didn't say anything for a moment. 

"I missed this," Vivian said after a while.

"Missed what?"

"Talking to you."

"We've still been talking." I reminded her.

"I know, I missed being able to see you when we talked." she looked at me.

I didn't say anything for a second "I missed seeing you too."

She smiled and left me alone on the street. I stood there for a bit, thinking. Why did I say that? I started on my way back to my place. Why did her smile make me that happy? I turned the corner to my street. Why dose she make me feel this way? I stopped outside of my door, and it hit me. The answer to all the questions she made me ask myself.

I don't think I want to be just friends with Vivian.

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