chapter 1

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I've had a few co-workers over the years, most get hired and switch to a day shift. I used to wonder if it it were because of me, but then i decided that that was stupid. No one likes working the night shift, and the customers that came in were not the nicest during the early hours of the morning.

About a week ago a girl named Vivian started working the same shift as me. I had only texted her once prior, to make sure she knew when the shift started. She was a very energetic texter, almost like a child. I sort of expected her to be small, in every sense of the word. But I did not anticipate to see a 5 foot 10, buff-ish girl to walk in asking if I were Ethan. 

We don't do a whole lot of fancy drinks on this shift, not many people want a vanilla frappe with dried strawberries and extra whipped cream at 2 am. So, it was easy for her to learn how to work the machines and the kettle. Yes, she didn't know how to use a kettle. It was kind of funny actually, but I suppressed my laugh to spare her feelings hopefully.  

"Why do you look so amused?" she asked.

"I don't know what you mean," I lied.

"Sure." she smiled. She acted the same way in real life as she did when she texted me. Childish but still confident. I thought it would be annoying, but after a week of working with her, she proved me wrong. Don't get me wrong, I don't enjoy having to make sure she uses the register right every time she rings someone up, but she helps me with my home work, so. Win-win I guess.

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