chapter 5

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I walked Vivian home every day since then. We haven't had any other encounters. 

I've only known her for 2 months or so, and she's already broken down most of my walls. I have friends, but most of them are from school and only contact me for class, but were friendly with each other. I guess that doesn't make them friends.

I have 1 close friend now, and it's Vivian. I think.

I don't actually know a whole lot about her. She has gotten me to tell her a lot about me, so much so that she likes to make fun of me about things I did in my past. I told her about growing up with a single father. I told her about moving, I didn't tell her why though. She knows about my reasoning for this job. She even knows about what it was like moving into my aunt's house.

I don't know anything about her. Maybe that tells you something about how good I am at having conversations, they are kinda one way I guess. 

"What about you?" I finally asked one day, after she finished laughing about my job interview story. "Why did you get this job?"

"I-" she paused "I needed a stable job, something that was better for me." I could tell that she didn't want to tell me about her old job, so I didn't ask. I was hoping asking her a question about her past would get the conversation off of me for once, but the conversation kind of stopped altogether. 

"Do you have any hobbies?"

She laughed a bit, "Yeah, I like running, boxing, and hiking." I knew she did physical things, she has an incredible build. Not that I looked often. "What about you?"

"I like piano, musical stuff," I said, kinda shrugging. 

I was going to ask her more but, "Do you sing?" she asked. 


"That was way too sudden of an answer for it to be true. You totally sing." She looked smug.

"I don't sing. I play the piano."

"You totally sing." She spent the rest of our shift pestering me about how I 'totally sing'. I do sing, but that's not information I need her knowing, not yet at least. 

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