chapter 3

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Something you should know about this city, it's big. People come here to get away, or to have a good time. There's a bar of some kid on almost every block. We were passing one of these bars now. It seemed to be closing because people were stumbling their way out of the building. 

This is why she wanted me to walk her home, these people were wasted.

 "Hey," one of the drunker looking men called, "hey cuties!" I looked back at him just to see him stumble his way over to me and Vivian. "Where are two lovely people like you heading this late at night?" he threw his arm over Vivian's shoulders.

"Home," I said. I wanted to make it as clear as possible that we did not want to talk to this guy.

"Oh, That's a shame. I was going to ask if you two wanted to go to a club with me, maybe get a drink." Vivian started to look uncomfortable wish him practically throwing himself on her. 

"Can you get off of her, she's clearly not enjoying it."

"I think she is," he said, slurring his works and putting his other arm around her waist. She obviously did not like this at all, but she still said nothing.

"Seriously get off of her." he didn't say anything and tighter his grip on Vivian. She didn't do anything, so I did. 

"Hey fuck off already!" I said while pushing this asshole off of her. He lost his balance and fell to the ground. He looked at me and I could have sworn I could see the alcohol poisoning in his face. Stumbling back onto his feet he tried to say something that had the same tone as a threat, and he lunged at me. 

I'm going to tell you something about myself, I'm short. About 5 foot 4. I am also very weak, physically not emotionally, if this were a verbal fight I could have fucked this guy up, but no. I didn't feel him punch me but I felt myself hit the ground afterward. I also felt him kick me a few times.

I think during this whole interaction Vivian was zoned out, she wasn't there. But once I hit the floor I think she came back. She punched the guy, pulled me to my feet, and practically carried me away running, all in the span of 3 seconds. I have to say it was impressive. 

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